Green Party: President Trump must call off threats against Venezuela, cancel sanctions
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Green Party leaders said that the Trump administration's economic sanctions and threats of military intervention in Venezuela, along with belligerent policies targeting other countries, have made the U.S. an increasing obstacle to global security and stability. The Green Party declared its solidarity with the people of Venezuela and support for their well-being and right to govern their own affairs without U.S. meddling.
Greens called Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's warning of a military coup a patent threat in light of the Venezuelan election in April, which might give President Nicolas Maduro another six-year term.
Green Party of the United States
For Immediate Release:
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Scott McLarty, Green Party Media Director, 202-904-7614, [email protected]
The Green Party calls for an end to the threats and for cancellation of economic sanctions against Venezuela, which violate the charter of the Organization of American States (Chapter 4, Article 19 ) and other treaties signed by the U.S. that outlaw collective punishment. President Trump intensified the sanctions in November.
"The desire for regime change in Venezuela follows disastrous regime-change ventures like the invasion of Iraq and assault on Libya. The U.S. under both Republican and Democratic administrations has claimed for itself the right to decree whether other countries' governments are acceptable, based on U.S. economic interests -- a euphemism for corporate bottom lines," said Bahram Zandi, co-chair of the Green Party's International Committee
"Compared to this recent history, allegations that Russia engaged in election interference in the U.S. by placing messages in social media look hypocritical and myopic," said Mr. Zandi.
Green Party leaders said that President Trump's threats against Venezuela are consistent with a long list of dangerous foreign policies and actions, several of which could ignite a greater regional or global confrontation. Among them are U.S. aid for Saudi Arabia's war on Yemen, air assaults in Syria, a nuclear weapons build-up, posturing against North Korea and Iran, and a National Defense Strategy that favors a new Cold War (enthusiastically promoted by many Democrats).
Greens noted that Venezuela's status as an oil producer, not concern for the Venezuelan people or democracy, is behind decades of open and covert U.S. interference, including CIA support for an attempted coup against President Hugo Chavez in 2003 and the ongoing sanctions, which the Green Party called an economic war on Venezuela.
"The U.S. is determined to control the world's oil spigots at a time when we need to turn them off and convert to clean, renewable energy sources. U.S. imperialism, bipartisan neocon policies, bloated Pentagon budgets, and corporate greed are making it impossible to fight climate change," said Cécile Lawrence, a member of the Green Party's National Women's Caucus.
See also:
U.S. Prepares Armed Intervention in Venezuela
Ajamu Baraka, Black Agenda Report
War Preparations Against Venezuela As Election Nears
By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, Popular Resistance, February 18, 2018
Green Party rebuttal to President Trump's 2018 State of the Union address
Press release: Green Party of the United States, January 31, 2018
Venezuela 'Coup' Comments Dog Tillerson on Latin America Tour, February 2, 2018
Trump Doubles Down on Sanctions and Regime Change for Venezuela
By Mark Weisbrot, AlterNet, November 13, 2017
A More-Friendly Enemy: Back to the Future: The Pentagon shifts its focus from terrorists to Russia and China in its latest strategy
By Mark Thompson, Center for Defense Information at POGO (Project On Government Oversight), January 29, 2018
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