Campaign School coming next week to Maine
If you have ever considered running for office, or helping someone who is, now is the time to do it.
Join us Saturday, December 7th and help the Maine Green Independent Party grow!
Green Party of the United States & Coordinated Campaign Committee members Hillary Kane and Erin Fox will share the key elements and best strategies for campaigning, from a municipal level seat, to running for the U.S. Senate. This training is for you, regardless if you're planning to someday run for office or if you plan to be a part of someone's campaign team. It takes teamwork to win these elections and everyone needs to be prepared. If we want to change the world, now's the time to act.
Riverton School/Community Center, 1600 Forest Ave, Portland, ME
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Bus #2 leaves the Pulse Bus Station on Elm St.
7:15 a.m. gets to Riverton School circa 7:35 a.m.
7:35 a.m. gets to Riverton School circa 7:55 a.m.
Potluck Lunch, including appetizers, salads, bread, desserts (snacks and hot/ cold beverages provided in the morning)
Water bottle, cell phone, earphones/headset and/or lap top, something to take notes with, your personal experiences, and a desire to learn more about how to help exciting Green Party candidates.