Two great candidates in Olympia
The Green Party of Washington (GPWA) is a political party, and its ultimate aim is to elect Green candidates to office where they can really make a difference. This year, we have the opportunity to get excellent Green candidates into office in Olympia: Renata Rollins for Olympia City Council Position 6, and E.J. Zita for Olympia Port Commission.
GPWA has endorsed both these candidates – they are thoughtful, experienced, have well-functioning campaign organizations, and their opponents are vulnerable. Both Greens are facing establishment candidates with large treasuries full of corporate donations - and both campaigns are funded the Green way – without corporate contributions! To win, it is not enough to be smarter, more experienced, have more volunteers and more endorsements. Green candidates need funds for lots of advertising, offices expenses, and to pay their hard-working staff. This is where you come in.
This is our best chance yet to get Greens into elected office in Washington. But they cannot do it without more money. We need to support them - right away, so they have crucial funds available in the last 4 weeks of the election. Please, now, take a minute donate to help Renata and E.J. wage winning campaigns.
Hit the Donate button, pull out your credit card and donate as much as you can. Think of what it will mean to have Greens stopping shipments of fracking mud and weapons through the port of Olympia, and to have a model Green plan implemented to end homelessness, guide development, and preserve parklands. It's worth every penny we can spare.
And please, after you donate, send us an email telling us how much you donated, so that the Green Party gets credit for supporting its own.
In solidarity,
Campaign Committee
Green Party of Washington State