Come Celebrate the New Year with the Green Party!

Join the Green Party of Monroe County to celebrate the New Year, network, and plan for the future. There's no formal agenda. This is a get together to talk about continuing our fight in creating a better, just world.

When: Saturday, January 11th, 3-6pm
Where: The Flying Squirrel Community Space, 285 Clarissa Street, Rochester, NY 14608.

Bring a signature munchie you like to show off, a friend who wants to change the world, or just yourself! Fellow community groups have been invited for networking!

The event is free (but we will pass the hat for the Flying Squirrel).

If you are part of a group you'd like to let people know about, feel free to bring information, sign up sheets, etc.

From the City-Wide Tenant Union of Rochester:

After years of advocacy and months of phone calls and rallies and forums and speeches and meetings, Good Cause Eviction Protections have finally passed City Council 7-2 in Rochester!

To adopt the bill into law, it needs to be signed! Can you call the Mayor to ask him to sign the bill as soon as possible at 585-428-7045?

For too long, Rochester tenants have been forced to live in fear–fear that their landlords would evict them for any reason or no reason at all, which has forced so many of us to accept unhealthy or even unsafe conditions, or that they would hike up the rent for the sole purpose of driving out their own tenants. These are just a few reasons why the fight for Good Cause has been so important. These protections offer the peace of mind that our homes are not a landlord’s whim away from disappearing.

This is a moment to celebrate not only the benefits tens of thousands of Rochester residents will enjoy. It is also a time to recognize the power we have when we fight and persist together, no matter how many delays or lies opponents throw our way. This victory proves the collective power tenants have as a class in Rochester.

Part of a NYS Voter Registration card where \Are you ready to register Green? 

Are you a former Green who has realized that you're not going to change the corporate parties from the inside?  We'll have voter registration cards at the New Year's Party, but if you can't make it (or can't wait any longer)...

Voter Registration Form (English):

Voter Registration Form (Spanish):

You have to write it in.

Green Party of Monroe County

  • January 11, 2025 at 3:00pm – 6pm
  • The Flying Squirrel Community Space
    285 Clarissa St
    Rochester, NY 14608
    United States
    Google map and directions
  • Green Party of Monroe County

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  • david doonan
    published this page in Calendar 2024-12-20 13:22:54 -0500