Connecting Earth Day to May Day, a Greens' Perspective
Greens Connect People, Planet and Peace Through Justice!
On this 54th Anniversary of Earth Day, Greens across California reflect on humanity's weighty responsibility to halt our planet's climate collapse and to defend our most vulnerable communities against the oppression of capitalist forces.
We are an Ecosocialist Party which means much more than Eco + Socialist!
Our Platform: The Green Party of California works to build an alternative system for a socially and racially just, ecologically sustainable, democratic and peaceful society that exists in harmony with nature. We call this alternative social, economic, and political system “EcoSocialism", founded on democracy, equity, and solidarity.
Greens have been making the connection between climate-, social-, racial-, political-, economic-JUSTICE since our inception through our four indivisible pillars: Ecology ~ Social Justice ~ Peace ~ Democracy, which are deeply intertwined into the fabric of global justice. Our platform offers the desperately needed solutions to address not only the climate emergency but all the connected global issues of inequity.
Join us today to vote for JUSTICE every day, not just on election day!
If you are not a Green, Register Green TODAY, or check your registration at the CA Secretary of State then forward it to friends and family and invite them to take this powerful step. Help support the Green Party of California: Donate (no amount is too small), Volunteer, and Advocate.
#RegisterGreen #RegisterYourValues
How We End Consumerism
The video "How We End Consumerism" by "Our Changing Climate" reveals the inherent contradiction between capitalism and global sustainability and points to EcoSocialism and Degrowth as the inevitable solutions.
"Degrowth is a response to the rampant growth/profit capitalist paradigm that fuels consumerism and is causing climate change. Degrowth de-centers capitalism and consumerism and instead argues for a world wherein there's a planned contraction of rich economies to allow for the well-being of everyone in the world. Degrowth, however, can't function well without ecosocialism. Ecosocialism recognizes that the climate crisis is a capitalist crisis and vice versa. In order for degrowth to work it needs to incorporate full democratic control of the means of production and the state in order to avoid draconian measures of austerity. Degrowth and ecosocialism represent an end to consumerism and overconsumption."
#EcoSocialism #Consumerism #Degrowth
May Day: Degrowing the Work Week! UNIONIZE!
Wed, May 1, 2024 - 5:30 pm PT, 6:30 MT, 7:30 pm CT, 8:30 ET
The survival of humanity requires a massive decrease in harmful production while increasing the necessities of life for impoverished people.
Who will decide what is essential vs. unnecessary?
Should those decisions be made by working people or left to the capitalist class and its politicians?
What do union folk such as steelworkers, auto workers, and teamsters think their role should be in a "just transition?"
How have German workers won a shorter work week?
Most of all, how would a socially just society affect the new wave of "gig" or "precarious" workers?
If you have ever worked for a living, join the discussion.
Scheduled Speakers:
Mike Stout, Steelworker, Green Party of Pittsburgh
Edith Heller, Workers for Future (Germany)
Michael Savwoir, Teamsters for a Democratic Union
Tino Scalici, United Auto Workers Local 249
Orlando Johnson, Gig worker, Green Party of California
Kim Scipes, Green Social Thought (moderator)
Registration details: The webinar is NO COST, but you need to REGISTER HERE to attend the webinar.
Sponsored by the Gateway Green Alliance and the Universal African Peoples Organization.
Contact Gateway Greens at [email protected]
Decolonizing Economics 2024: Earth Day to May Day Online Summit
May 1, 2, 3 - Online
We have proudly endorsed the Decolonizing Economics 2024 series, and invite you to attend the Decolonizing Economics 2024: Earth Day to May Day. This year's engaging and thought-provoking program of 15 globally accessible sessions are offer collaborative ways for individuals and institutions to create the infrastructure and practices that address economic disparities, often requiring us to protect or restore the land and water, redistribute wealth towards marginalized communities, and invest in the solidarity economy.
From deep dive discussions on key issues like Making Land Back Real, Food Sovereignty, People’s Network for Land & Liberation, Democratizing the Economy, Decolonizing the Law, Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Solidarity Economy 101, and more, there will be something for everyone interested in advancing economic justice and sustainability.
Your participation is crucial as we work together to challenge conventional economic narratives and center Indigenous knowledge, environmental justice, and community empowerment. To view the schedule and register for the summit, please visit
Help us turn our Government Green!
Thank you,
Green Party of California
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