The coronavirus shows why we need Medicare for All
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By now we’ve all heard about the coronavirus, but have you heard that people potentially exposed to the virus aren’t being tested because they don’t have health insurance?
Healthcare is a public need. We need each other to be healthy so that we can all thrive.
It’s time to guarantee every single American 100% healthcare coverage: Medical, dental, and vision. Let’s abolish “medical bankruptcy.” Medicare for All would mean no copays, no premiums, no deductibles.
Of course we can afford Medicare for All (also known as “single-payer.”) We are the richest country in history and economic studies show that Medicare for All would be cheaper than the current system.
Vote for real change to our healthcare system.
Vote Green for U.S. House of Representatives.
Rodolfo Cortes Barragan, Ph.D.
100% corporate-free candidate
Rodolfo Cortes Barragan, Ph.D.
100% corporate-free candidate
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