Post-Election Statement Of Danny Factor
Green-Rainbow Party Candidate For State Representative. Massachusetts 14th Middlesex District
November 9, 2016
Whether it was Jill Stein receiving over a million votes nationally, and 1.5% of the vote in Massachusetts (more than double what she received in 2012 in both cases), or my campaign receiving 3.3% of the vote in the Green-Rainbow Party’s first ever run for the 14th Middlesex State Rep. seat, I am happy to see the growing voices calling for people, planet, and peace in our district, state and nation.
Throughout our towns, state, and country people are understandably angry. In most elections throughout our country, people are given choices of only corporate controlled politicians who don’t propose many policies if any at all that will have a meaningful effect on people’s lives.
Whether Democrat or Republican, these politicians have no plan to halt climate change, end economic insecurity and poverty, or end racial injustice. I and the Green-Rainbow Party, the Massachusetts affiliate of the Green Party, the only national party that does not take corporate contributions, will continue to advocate for a region, state, country and world where every single person and our planet are treated with dignity, respect and love.
We are building a movement, and tonight there are both good signs that our movement is growing, and dangerous signs of false prophets like Donald Trump whose main contribution to our political system has been to fuel the fires of hatred.
The people deserve better than the Republican Party (and our country) which will now led by a hatemonger, and the Democratic Party that is so corporately controlled that it has no plan to protect us from our greatest emergency, the crisis of climate change or guarantee every person the right to the basics in life: healthy food, clean water, adequate shelter and single payer health care. When not couched in the rhetoric of the major political party platforms, Massachusetts voters usually do the right thing, such as their votes, yesterday, on ballot questions to stop corporate funded efforts to install slot machines over the wishes of a community and to stop a corporately funded measure that would have even more privatized public schools.
My experience is that on an individual level, most people mean well and want the best for others. Included in this list are both my opponents, Cory Atkins and Helen Brady, both of whom I congratulated last night on their participation in a race where we talked about our different visions for our region and state. Last night, I told both Cory and Helen that rather than looking back, I look forward to working with them, going forward to serve the people. What is needed is to go beyond general platitudes, and to enact meaningful legislation that transforms people's lives for the better.
In a state that leads the nation in uncontested elections, I was happy to see that in this race, we were able to give the people of our district more choices than they are used to. Unfortunately though, our current political system rewards major party candidates with affluent donors. These donors buy a louder voice for their candidates than those from grassroots parties. I, and the Green-Rainbow Party have called for a vision of a state house that enacts bold legislation whether it be ending income inequality in Acton and Concord, or stopping an asphalt plant from going into operation and affecting people’s health in Westford and Chelmsford, regardless of what wealthy donors have to say about it.
I want to thank everyone who voted for my candidacy and supported me, especially my precious family of Nadia & Mandela, and my many volunteers including those from our local Green-Rainbow Party chapter. Our chapter meets monthly at the Acton Memorial Library, and we invite those who are tired of having to choose between hate, and a world of climate catastrophe, income inequality and racial injustice to join us. You can email me at [email protected] to join our local, grassroots movement for people, planet and peace. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
Danny Factor for State Representative
Green-Rainbow Party Candidate
14th Middlesex District