Darryl! L.C. Moch

Darryl! L.C. Moch currently serves as Chair of the DC Statehood Green Party in Washington, DC and co-chair of the GPUS National Back Caucus. He is a former National Co-chair of the USGP and has served on the Finance, Platform, DRC, Media, Diversity, CCC and other committee. A few election cycles ago, Darryl! served in an interim capacity managing the party accounts and funds and transacting financial affairs. He ran in November 2022 Chair of the DC City Council, and for the DC City Council in the 2010 primary. He has served as an adviser to campaigns and candidates in various parts of the country, locally, regionally, and nationally. He is currently on the board of Green Horizons. He is also the director of the Charm City Labor Chorus.

Darryl! also provides consulting services to communities and non-profit organizations. He is the President/CEO of a local nonprofit and has served as Chief Financial Officer and managing board member for several organizations with duties including fiscal oversight and management, organizational leadership, development, fundraising, donor relations, program development and training a community-based organization.  

Darryl! has developed and trained leaders as well as partnered and worked with community leaders on local, regional, national, and international levels. A native of Los Angeles, California who proudly makes his home in Washington, DC, Darryl! serves as a consultant, activist, advocate, performance artist, psychotherapist/life coach, and minister. His current work includes arts and culture of the progressive community; creating opportunities that will empower, expose, and enlighten individuals and our collective communities. His art, activism and advocacy work is rooted in social justice, equality, and quality of life issues and addressing Poverty on all levels. He focuses on work with African-American/ BIPOC and minority communities, children, youth, families, LGBTQ constituencies, people living with mental, SUD, developmental and physical challenges, the homeless, other issues facing communities most disenfranchised by local, regional, and national political policies and laws. His work centers on social change, social justice, and equality for all people without distinction in order to ensure a good quality of life for all people.

He was also part of the Center for New Community program Which Way Forward, confronting anti-immigration wedge issues targeted to the African American community. He was the founding Secretary of the former International Federation of Black Prides, worked with Pride organizations and other leasing community empowerment organizations across the country and abroad. He has also created programs that bridge the relationship between the religious, social, and cultural arenas. He is a former editor, copy editor, program director, and features writer local and national magazines.

 He is completing his Doctorate in Organizational Leadership concentration in Transformational Leadership with research on Othering.

How long have you been a Green Party member and what positions have you held/do you hold at the local, state and national levels? Please indicate which positions you currently hold and will continue to hold if elected to steering committee.

I began my journey into the GP in 2008. I was more formally introduced to both the local party and the national party in 2010 when I ran during the primary for Washington, DC City Council (equivalent to State legislature). I immediately engaged with the national and joined the (then Black Caucus; now National Black Caucus, of which I am one of the current co-chairs. I have served in that position several times). I also served as an NC Delegate and Alternate and as such I have been elected to the Steering Committee in the past and appointed or elected to the following: CCC & SCC, Media, Platform, DRC, Outreach, Diversity, and Finance committees. I currently serve on the Finance, Media, Platform, and the DRC and still engage as a member of the Diversity committee, but intermittently. If elected to SC I intend to continue serving these committees either as member or member/liaison. I am the current Chair of the DC Statehood Green Party and have been in that role for several years and will continue in that role. I recently ran for DC City Council Chair in the 2022 election season. During.

2. Which caucuses do you belong to, if any?

National Black Caucus
National Lavender Caucus

3. Which GPUS committees are you a member of and are you a co-chair of any?

DRC * Co Chair

4. Are you a supporting member of GPUS, your state, your local or your caucus?

Not sure how you define support but I am active and engage in my local state party the DC Statehood Green Party My visonand the National Black Caucus. I am connected and maintain engagement and membership with the National Lavender Caucus. I have had great relationships as a non-member with the Latinx Caucus, women's caucus, YES Caucus (have recently been engaging some of the leadership to build a relationship with these members of our party). I support each entity as the opportunity arises and as per each groups processes.

5. What is your vision of the future of GPUS and what special skills do you bring to the table?

My vision for the future of the national party include:

Developing a national strategy that includes candidate/election support, ballot access, and growth of the voter base across the country.

For the national party structure my goal is to see that we can work as a cohesive body that understands consensus does not mean blind agreement but it is about an alliance of political imperatives and perspectives that bind us to common relationships to work towards the vision we all have.

It is time for a GP that reduces toxicity to a minimum so that we can build a strong party (a. of ideas, b. of legislative wins, c. of elected people, and d. a body of voters who turn up for the vote but also turn out for actions. We have to expand internal and external communications, streamline these opportunities and utilize technology and advances better for our newer generations who will take us into the future without excluding older generations who are less savvy in these areas who sustained us in the past and are our lifeline right now.

My belief based on our bylaws and practices is that the SC election is not about visionaries, although there is space for this. It is about people who are prepared to handle the business of the party and its administration. While we would serve as spokespersons, we do so at the pleasure of the NC and its directives through proposals and the Platform. Can the SC speak on its own behalf on issues, generally yes but only in alignment with things established by the NC. The SC is a functional arm of the NC and as such is subject to the limitations set by the NC.

If elected again to serve the party in this way, my work would be to ensure that we are an effective and stealth party that can move and react in real time to improve our credibility, accessibility, relevance, and engagement with the wider public. My commitment is to growth and to effective management and internal leadership of the party. To work with the staff and to work to increase and manage funds to fund staff, ballot access, candidates, outreach efforts, caucuses, and programs we need to do as a party to be relevant to everyday people we want to donate, support, and vote with and for Greens at every level.

Thanks for your consideration and I ask for your #1 ranking vote.

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