DC Statehood Green Party's 2017 Annual Convention
Join us on Saturday, December 9th from 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM for the DC Statehood Green Party's 2017 Annual Convention, where you'll have the chance to sign up, volunteer, and meet candidates running for local office.
The best part? It's free and open to the public!
DC government only works well when DC residents are involved. That's why this year's Convention will also feature a special presentation designed to teach concerned citizens more about how DC government works and how they can get involved in local politics.
Learn more about our key non-profit allies:
Together, the DC Statehood Green Party and its non-profit allies are fighting to make our nation's capital a fairer, more sustainable city for all. Many of the key advocacy groups DC Greens work with will be there December 9th. They include:
DC Divest: DC Divest is an advocacy campaign established in Washington, DC in 2013 to remove investments in fossil fuel companies from its investment portfolios, raise awareness of local climate impacts, and support local climate activism.
Fair Budget Coalition: The Fair Budget Coalition advocates for budget and public policy initiatives that address poverty and human needs in the District of Columbia. It accomplishes these goals by leveraging the collective power of its organizations, including working with social service providers to empower those directly affected by poverty to participate in the advocacy process.
Save our System: The Save Our System Campaign is powered by riders, community leaders and organizations, grassroots volunteers and others who have had enough with WMATA's neglect for their riding public. It is a coalition of public transit riders, community organizations, faith groups, labor organizations, and small businesses working to improve WMATA services.
Friends of McMillan Park: Friends of McMillan Park is a group of community volunteers who support sustainable development and long-term planning for McMillan Park and Washington, DC. Its mission is to preserve, restore, and adaptively reuse historic McMillan Park in Washington, DC for the benefit of the people, not a select few.
Washington Lawyers Committee: The Washington Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs is a non-profit organization established in 1968 to provide pro bono legal services to address discrimination and entrenched poverty in the Washington, DC community. Since then, the Committee has successfully litigated thousands of civil rights cases and advocated for public policy changes on behalf of individuals and groups in the areas of fair housing, equal employment opportunity, public accommodations, immigrant rights, disability rights, public education, prisoners’ rights, and more.
We hope to see you there.
Remember, the longer we wait the harder it gets!
(PS: You can also click HERE to RSVP)
In Solidarity,
DC Statehood Green Party