April 22nd Earth Day Strike for People, Planet & Peace over Profit
Halt the engines of economic, environmental & military destruction with school and work stoppages, rallies, boycotts, pickets, sit-ins, teach-ins, and peaceful direct action to heal a violent world. This will kick off 10 days of action - from Earth Day to May Day - supporting local actions, building community power, and unifying our movements.
Agitate, Educate, and Celebrate
As we come together across movements & borders, calling for solutions as big as the crises barreling down on us: Climate Collapse, Endless War, Crushing Economic and Racial Inequality, Recurrent Pandemic, Rising Authoritarianism, and the Assault on Freedoms of Press, Privacy and Protest
Earth Day Strike 2022
To endorse the Earth Day Strike, get involved, or learn more, go to www.earthdaystrike2022.org or email [email protected]
Visit the Facebook page at Earth Day Strike 2022.
Peace Action Committee of the Green Party of the United States
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