Election results & future actions
Green Post-Election Reflections
More than 12 days after Election Day, vote counts continue in Santa Clara County, California and the rest of the country. Although Trump has been defeated, it's been a very tight race for both major parties' presidential tickets and definitely not a victory for the Democrats in general. The fact that they could not easily "override" a candidate as repugnant as the U.S. President - and still do not understand his appeal to the million of people who voted for him - speaks volume. They are completely disconnected from the masses who've helped put them in power and seem light-years away from their daily struggles, economic anxiety, absence of affordable healthcare, food and housing insecurity, and much, much more. This op-ed by Bhaskar Sunkara in The Guardian explains why the menace of a far worse political figure than Donald Trump in four years remains very real.
Jake Tonkel, San José City Council, District 6
With 20,681 votes (46.1%, ballot counting nearly complete) in San Jose District 6, Jake Tonkel ran an amazing race. He was able to unite people with similar goals and priorities around him, generate momentum around crucial issues, and meet with thousands of D6 residents who now know him and what he stands for. This is unprecedented for a Green candidate in a local race in the tenth largest city in the nation!
CA Propositions
The results of the CA statewide propositions are quite revealing too. Three-quarters of them went the opposite way of what Santa Clara Greens recommended and essentially followed where the money was: YES to Prop 14, NO to Prop 15, NO to Prop 16, NO to Prop 21 (by almost 60%), YES to Prop 22 (by over 58%) , NO to Prop 23, YES to Prop 24 ... The fight is not over.
Green Candidates
Green presidential ticket Howie Hawkins & Angela Walker received a disappointing result with only 0.2% of votes nationwide, 0.5% in California and 0.47% in Santa Clara County (4000 votes). The Green Party was on the ballot for 30 states this year, as opposed to 45 in 2016.
Fortunately, there's also some good news: out of the 26 California Greens who ran in 2020, at least nine Green candidates have won their race!! Most notably, Emmanuel Estrada, 26 years old, was elected Mayor of Baldwin Park (Los Angeles County)! Listen to Emmanuel's interview on Rising Up With Sonali and learn more about CA races.
GPCA’s November General Assembly
The Green Party of California invites its members to join the upcoming General Assembly taking place on Saturday and Sunday, November 21 & 22, 2020. This will be a virtual GA by Zoom video conference.
At next weekend’s GA you will hear from our California Green candidates as well as Green Party 2020 candidates Howie Hawkins & Angela Walker and Green Party 2016 candidates Jill Stein & Ajamu Baraka, an Israeli draft resistor, and more. See the draft agenda for details.
Registration has begun and can be completed here. We ask for a contribution of $25 to cover costs and support the Green Party of California.
TODAY is the last day for early registration! The registration fee will increase to $40 after Monday, November 16.
GPSCC November Monthly Meeting
Thursday, November 19, 2020 at 7 – 9 PM
Join the Santa Clara County Green Party for our monthly meeting (by teleconference) to learn about our plans and activities. MESSAGE US for meeting details.
Green Party of Santa Clara County
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