First call for 2021 candidates! Will you step up?
Have you or someone you know considered running for office? Are you interested but not sure what office you should run for, or what is involved in running or serving in office? Join the Green Party of Pennsylvania for our first candidate informational session on Thursday, January 7, 2020, at 8:00 p.m.
Don't know what offices are available to run for? Would you like to advocate for a particular issue and not sure which office is the best to take action on that issue? Not sure what it takes to run a campaign or serve in office? This informational session is for you! It is designed for everyone considering a campaign as a Green candidate but unsure where to start.
2021 is a municipal election year, and there will be many important local offices up for election, some which have very low, easy requirements to run and serve but are still very important! 2021 is a great year for completely new candidates to consider their first run for office! Interested to learn more? RSVP below!
RSVP For The Candidate Informational!
This candidate information is expected to take about an hour, with 30 minutes presentation followed by 30 minutes Q&A. The goal is to give information to folks to decide if they would like to run for office in 2021 or 2022 as a Green candidate, and decide what office is best. We will therefore briefly discuss:
- Levels of government: municipalities, counties, state offices in PA;
- Ballot access requirements and applying for Green Party endorsement;
- Rough expectations for your campaign, and serving in office, including time commitment required.
Those interested in running will be invited to follow-up informational sessions and trainings later this winter/spring.
Thank you for your support! With your help we will build the Green movement in PA in 2021 and build momentum into 2022 and beyond!
P.S. -- please share this with any other Greens you may know that might be interested in running for office! If you are a Green Wave county or regional coordinator, please be sure to share this with your local or regional Green Party leaders!
RSVP For Informational Session!
Garret Wassermann
2020 Green Wave team lead
[email protected]
Green Wave of PA
Green Wave is an initiative by the Green Party of Pennsylvania to support our Green candidates for office and help grow our local parties. We invite all local Green activists, volunteers, and donors to join us on our bimonthly organizing call where we discuss organizing strategy and how to best grow the Green movement in Pennsylvania! Organizing calls often include volunteer and organizer training and educational materials, we welcome new activists and organizers to come learn and get started with Green Wave!
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