Gentrification in New York City
Gentrification is not something that is beneficial to long standing community members and the cultural make-up of our communities. Gentrification has been sold to many of us as a way for things to improve, but things should have been improved without the targeted displacement of our Black and Brown communities. Gentrification is a tool of displacement, greed and an extended arm of systemic racism. It does not create diversity. Our communities are and have always had diversity.
Some elected officials will lie and tell you, "There is nothing that can be done". Well, these are lies. There is something that can be and must be done. Through Direct Actions and the Introduction and Passing of the Proper Legislation, we can stop displacements and make New York City truly affordable.
My Housing Justice Bill, is the key to the end of the housing crisis and the eradication of the disgusting 421-a plan by Mayor De'Blasio. If our elected officials and candidates were not taking campaign donations from the Real Estate Lobbyists and the Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY), then they would not be the ones controlling our City and Our Politics. Already, in the District 45 Special Election and Off Year Election Race, many candidates have shown their loyalty to the Real Estate Industry via campaign contributions, the refusal to Speak Up against Corrupt Landlords and Greedy Developers and their lack of being in the Community before there was a Campaign to fight for the Rights of Tenants and Homeowners.
As you know, I have been Boots on the Ground alongside many organizations such as Flatbush Tenants Coalition, Right To Counsel Coalition, Housing Justice 4 All Coalition, NYCC and many others to fight for our communities. I will continue to be Boots on the Ground. Housing is a Human Right and Together We Will Take Back Our Communities.
See How Hard Gentrification Has Hit Your Neighborhood