Green Party slams debt crisis deal
The Green Party of the United States denounced the proposed deal on the so-called debt crisis recently announced by President Biden and House Speaker McCarthy.
Green Party of the United States
For Immediate Release:
May 30, 2023
Gregg Jocoy, Co-Chair, Media Committee, [email protected], 202-804-2758
Gloria Mattera, Co-Chair, Media Committee, [email protected], 202-804-2758
Mark Dunlea, Co-Chair, Green Party EcoAction Committee, [email protected]
"America has become a fake democracy, the first world updated version of the banana republics that American colonial masters inflicted upon Central America. A small ruling elite controls the government and the economy to their benefit, civil discourse and misinformation leading to coups to overturn elections is promoted including by the corporate-owned media, and the manufactured crisis of public debt is used to expand austerity measures. Investments in people are discarded, environmental regulation is further weakened, forced work requirements are increased, while measures to benefit the rich are expanded, starting with the fossil fuel industry and war profiteers," said Joey Naham, a national party co-chair.
Democrats have reached a deal with the GOP House Speaker on a budget that would reportedly keep funding flat at federal health, education, science, labor, and other domestic agencies, while spending on the already massive defense budget and veterans would increase. Funding for the IRS to pursue wealthy tax evaders would be cut. Gutting the IRS’s ability to go after tax cheaters in the upper-income tax brackets, while work requirements for SNAP (food stamp recipients) would be increased.
The new deal includes changes to the permitting process that will benefit the fossil fuel industry, particularly Mountain View Pipeline. Mountain View Pipeline has recently increased its campaign donations to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.
The Greens criticized President Biden for failing to pursue alternative ways to resolve the debt crisis and also questioned why the Democrats simply didn’t increase the debt ceiling through the reconciliation process - something which was done in 1989, 1990, 1993, and 1997 - when Democrats had control of both houses of Congress and the White House.
The Party said it was stunning how the Democrats frequently claim that they are unable to follow through on their campaign promises to the American public when they control the White House and have slim majorities in both houses of Congress, but the GOP are able to “bend” the Democrats to their will despite only having a bare majority in the House.
“If the United States has a debt crisis, it is due to the ever growing massive military budget which tops $1 trillion annually and gobbles up 62% of discretionary federal spending. The solution is a massive cut in the military budget and more progressive taxes on the wealthy, not forced labor for hungry Americans. The two main parties in the U.S. are focused on enriching the 1% at the expense of the rest of us,” added Margaret Elisabeth, national party co-chair and candidate for Seattle City Council.
The Green Platform calls for reducing our national debt by increasing taxes on large corporations and polluters, eliminating loopholes for the super-rich and a tax system designed to exempt the wealthiest individuals and many large corporations from paying their fair share; and for decreasing expenditures in some areas, especially for war, armaments and corporate welfare.
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