Green Party Tampa is having an Open House event
We want you to be there. We will be discussing the future of the Green Party in the Tampa Bay area and how you can get involved.
This is a great opportunity to get your voice heard and help your community. We will be meeting Sunday at 2:00 pm at Peace House, 8052 N 56th Street in Tampa Bay.
Long time Green Party members and local activists have reorganized the local party in response to last year's historic election.
Our goals are to activate the community politically, build a grassroots movement, and run candidates for local, state, and national office.
Letʼs organize ourselves outside the failed two party system and develop into a platform that represents our common vision. We are a party with a truly progressive agenda. We must do more than just resist the current administration; we must prepare for the future.
That means that we need you. We have many ways to get involved and various levels of commitment. Join us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Tell your friends about us.
Come to some of our bi-weekly meetings, every other Wednesday 7pm at Peacehouse. Next meeting is Wednesday April 5th.
Grow with us.
Let's make Tampa the model for future democracies. Please RSVP at or on Facebook.