All California Greens are invited to the Green Party of California's online General Assembly on Saturday, November 23, 2024, 8:30 am - 3:15 pm.
Join us via videoconference to meet and connect with Greens, attend presentations, and participate in discussions and decisions for our Party.
Delegates to the GA are chosen by counties each July according to Article 7 of the GPCA bylaws.
You can find the draft agenda HERE, and learn what you can expect at the General Assembly along with some Zoom meeting tips HERE.
Shortly after you register, the details of the teleconference and your receipt will be emailed to you, so register TODAY!
We ask for a contribution of $25 to cover costs and support the Green Party of California. If you can, please consider making an additional contribution to cover registration costs for a fellow Green. You may also use the "other" option to pay an amount that is comfortable for you, whether it is an increase or a decrease.
We also ask that you please register online if at all possible! - it will save you and the party time, and makes our record-keeping easier and more accurate. However, if you would prefer to pay by check, please make it payable to "Green Party of California" and send it to GPCA, PO Box 485, San Francisco, CA 94104 and let us know by email to [email protected].
Please help spread the word by forwarding this message to Greens in your community.
Help us turn our Government Green!
Thank you,
Green Party of California
FB@CaGreens ~
- n 23, 2024 at 8:30am – 3:45pm
Green Party of California
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