Green Party of Florida Annual General Membership Meeting 2022
Annual Green Party of Florida Meeting 2022
Saturday. June 25 Start 10:00 am | Sunday June 26 10:00 am
Register as Green Party of Florida voter active member here
It was another tough year for progressive values in Tallahassee and Phil Moore will break it all down for us on Saturday, (for the fourth year in a row). John Severini, Chair of Rank My Vote - Florida, will go in-depth on the Florida legislature's ban of Ranked Choice Voting (RCV); Robin Harris, 2022 GP candidate for state House, will talk about her campaign and the redistricting debacle; Jill Stein, 2012 and 2016 GP candidate for President, will update us on her battle with the FEC and the overarching assault on democracy, (as well as our other three pillars); Patrick Ferguson of the Sierra Club will discuss the Stop The Burn campaign; and more.
On Sunday, all GPFL Board positions are up for election. Our designated GPUS Committee seats also need to be filled. Any other things our general membership needs to consider will be voted on then, as well. We are still lacking even a single nominee (who has accepted), for many of these positions [see below], so if you know someone you think would be a good fit for a particular role, or if you are such a person, please make your nominations [by replying to this email and cc'ing [email protected]]
Finally, we ask that you all renew your Active Membership, as required annually by our Bylaws. This will ensure that you continue to be kept in the loop on all things GPFL and that your GPFL Coordinating Council Delegates continue to represent your sensibilities with the strength of your vote.
Steve Newman
Outgoing GPFL Secretary
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