August 2021 News from the Green Party of New Jersey
Bergen County Greens Monthly Meeting - Wednesday August 11, Online Via Zoom 7:30-8:30 pm
We invite those of you that reside in Bergen County to join the Bergen Greens for their next monthly meeting. These are held via zoom and you must register to attend.
Please make sure to follow them on Facebook.
Dominique Faison For LD11
Campaign Meeting - Thursday August 12, Online 8:30-9:30 pm
Monmouth County friends are invited to attend the next campaign meeting for Dominique Faison's LD11 race. This will be held this Thursday evening online starting at 8:30 pm – 9:30 pm. You can register to attend here:
Make sure to support her campaign and donate! Here is a link to all her social platforms.
The Big Picture: West Hudson In Action
Community, Conversation and Cleanup - Kearny, NJ Sunday August 15, 11:00 am
We’ve partnered with the PSL New Jersey and the Young Ecosocialists to bring a community cleanup and discussion event to West Hudson on Sunday the 15th of August. We will meet at the corner of Kearny Ave. and Johnston Ave. in Kearny, a shared meeting point of our three West Hudson towns.
The focus of the action is to consider why so much pollution in the first place? The discussion will be short, maybe 20 min, to allow for community members to weigh in on our mutual experiences under Capitalism, and what it means for the environment.
Discourse will be followed by a couple notable environmental justice activists to get us excited, and subsequently by a community clean up where we will each take supplied materials and pick up around the shared neighborhoods in Kearny, East Newark, and Harrison.
Everyone and anyone in the community is welcome and invited if the idea of meaningful discussion and a Cleaner, Greener, and More Equitable West Hudson appeals to them.
If you can attend please sign up through this Facebook Event:
Meet Madelyn At The Passaic County Fair
Garret Mountain Reservation, Paterson Sunday August 15, 5 – 7pm
You can keep up to date on the Hoffman/Warburton Campaign and donate here:
GPNJ at JC Pride Festival 2021
Grove Street, Jersey City Saturday August 21, 12:30 – 6:30pm
Fellow Greens and allies we need your help to table at the JC Pride Festival 2021 event. We have participated in the event for years and the response is phenomenal. We are asking volunteers arrive at 12:30 to setup and work in shifts to cover all day. This event is huge and usually draws a lot of questions which will lead to support for our party and candidates.
We will have the Hoffman/Warburton campaign there to assist. Please sign up and share with anyone you know who would be interested through our Facebook event here:
GPNJ at The Labor Day Parade 2021
American Labor Museum/Botto House Haledon, NJ Sunday September 5, 12:30 – 3:00 pm
We welcome you once more to attend and march along with us at the American Labor Museum/Botto House’s annual Labor Day Parade. This year it will be held on Sunday, September 5th and we ask that you meet up at 12:30pm. Please wear green or bring your signs! They will have a ceremony at 1 and then start the parade at 1:30 which will go until 3pm.
We will have a contingency from all our campaigns handing out candy and flyers along the parade route. We hope to see you there!
If you can attend please sign up and message us through the Facebook event here:
Thank you all for supporting us! As you can see there are a lot of upcoming events and we will be posting even more! We are still continuing to grow with outreach through our campaigns along with our ongoing coalition based activism. We kindly ask for you to donate to our state party to keep up with our operations and expenses. Any amount is appreciated!
We hope to see you online at our upcoming meetings or in person at some of these amazing events!
Green Party of NJ State Co-Chairs
Lily Benavides
Kim Meudt
Tom Violett
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