Join the Green Party of New York on Inauguration Day
Inauguration Day is upon us and Donald Trump will be sworn in as our 45th President Of The United States. His Inauguration will be met with protests worldwide. So please join The NYC Coalition to Resist Trump as we stand in solidarity with our community, and the American people to make our demands heard.
January 20, 2017 at 5pm – 11pm
Foley Square
111 Worth St
New York , NY 10013
No Deportations of Immigrants
No Healthcare Cuts
Black Lives Matter
Unite Against Hate Crimes
Defend Women's and Workers' Rights
NYC Coalition to Resist Trump (In formation)
Socialist Alternative, NYC
NYC Democratic Socialists of America
Green Party of New York State
Socialist Students
Metropolitan Council on Housing
Occupy Kensington
Fight Back Bay Ridge
For more information or if you have any questions please contact Adrienne Craig-Williams by email: [email protected]