Our Presidential Convention is Near!
The 2024 Green Party of New York (GPNY) Presidential season is ramping up and GPNY is inviting all enrolled Greens in New York to be part of the process.
Our in-person state nominating convention is on Saturday, March 23 at the Sanctuary for Independent Media, 3361 6th Ave, Troy, NY 12180. There will also be an option to join by livestream. If you are able to attend in-person please RSVP here.
You can vote by absentee ballot or fill out/bring your ballot to the convention on March 23. If you are voting absentee, your ballot must be postmarked no later than March 13.
Petitioning to put the Green Party presidential candidate on the ballot starts on April 16, 2024 and runs through May 24, 2024 as the petition filing deadline is May 28,2024 and the petitions will need to be compiled and cleaned prior to filing.
Most of you are aware of the big hurdle we must overcome. Cuomo and the Legislature took away our ballot line by enacting an undemocratic, back door law to both increase the vote totals to retain ballot status and the number of signatures needed to regain ballot status. We need Greens and Green supporters to donate funds and time to push back against this injustice.
Please sign up here if you would like volunteer for our petitioning team:
Donate today!
Green Party of New York
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