Green Party of Tennessee 2023 Annual Gathering
Please plan to attend the Green Party of Tennessee's (GPTN) upcoming annual meeting on June 3, at 3pm EST / 2pm CST. We’re excited to announce we are hosting Tony Ndege as a guest speaker this year! Among other roles, Tony currently serves as co-chair of the North Carolina Green Party, and was a central organizer for the Matt Hoh Senate campaign. Tony has agreed to speak to us on the following topic, “Organizing Under Oppression.” The link to join the meeting on June 3 is here.
We also need to elect officers for the next term as outlined in our bylaws. If you’re interested in serving in one of these roles please notify us at [email protected] so we can get you on the ballot:
- 1 Co-Chair (1 of 2 main leaders of the GPTN).
- 1 Secretary (takes meeting minutes, creates meeting agendas, and sends meeting reminders).
- 1 National Committee Delegate (sits on the National Committee, and votes on proposals there. The NC delegate also reports updates back to the GPTN).
- 1 Alternate Delegate (this person fills in for the NC Delegate if that person doesn’t fulfill their role).
4 at-large seats
- (2 should focus on coordinating volunteers)
- (2 should focus on communications)
- 1 Treasurer (keeps track of GPTN money and financial institutional logins).
We haven’t had many responses about filling officer seats so far. So, please plan to join the annual and please consider running for an open seat. Send us a message sometime soon at [email protected] As always, you can always help by donating below.
In Solidarity,
Green Party of Tennessee
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