Green Party of Texas 2022 Nominating Conventions

Green Party of Texas (GPTX) volunteers in each participating county must operate consolidated precinct & county conventions in order to facilitate & meet the convention nominating party requirements of the Texas election code.

In order to complete our nominating convention process & put our candidates on the ballot, a consolidated precinct convention event must be held in each participating county on Tuesday, March 8, 2022, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m., followed by a county convention event the following Saturday, March 12, which confirms results from the precinct conventions, elects the county party chair, and elects delegates to move forward to the district convention (March 19) and then state convention on April 9. Specific locations and times for consolidated precinct & county conventions must be scheduled & publicly posted at least 30 days in advance.

Convention Administration Instructions:

In order to schedule your GPTX consolidated precinct convention event in your county, please email [email protected] confirming your location & contact information for the event.

Review the provided convention documents & instructional FAQ in advance to familiarize yourself with the procedure, print forms, and prepare supplies.

Arrange volunteers to administer the convention event. Necessary tasks are to help each voter properly sign in to their precinct convention and to issue appropriate convention forms and ballots. After voters have signed in & gathered in their precinct groups, they can be guided through filling out their paperwork together. GPTX will hold a live support webcast during the March 8 event to help guide participants through the process. Precinct convention paperwork and ballots must then be collected & carried forward to the county and then state conventions.

GPTX will offer convention training during our January & February SEC video conferences. Contact [email protected] for more information.

To participate, please register

Green Party of Texas

  • March 08, 2022 at 6:00pm – 9pm
  • Green Party of Texas

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  • david doonan
    published this page in Calendar 2021-12-30 16:35:30 -0500