Green Party of Texas January Update
Good news! The Green Party of Texas (GPTX) has earned 10 more years of ballot access, thanks to the campaign of our Railroad Commissioner candidate, Eddie Espinoza!
This means NOW is the time to develop our candidate process for the future. If you are willing to take on the role of a serious Green candidate in 2026, please review our prepared information. Not sure what you could run for? This page details different county positions.
Alternatively, you may consider volunteering as a campaign manager and recruiting potential candidates. Either way, GPTX needs members to become involved in developing our slate of candidates for 2026.
Just as important: GPTX needs money! We operate on a shoestring, and we hate to ask, BUT, with your financial support we could:
- Have signs, banners, & billboards in 2026!
- Reimburse filing fees to the campaigns of nominated candidates
- Maintain & improve our operations
Can you help us grow the Green Party in Texas by making a donation today?
The rest of the email can wait:
State Meeting
Our next state meeting will be on March 29th. If you've like to propose a bylaw or platform amendment, please propose it before February 28th
We'll have the event page up on our calendar soon & proposals can be discussed there or in our Slack.
Green Education, Onboarding, Discussion, & Encouragement: G.E.O.D.E.
The next GEODE call is SUNDAY, February 9th! We'll be discussing what can be done about the new presidential administration's transgressions. We'd love to hear what your local group has done so far.
RSVP & see connection info here:
On March 9th, we'll discuss CAMPAIGN MANAGEMENT!
We'll have some experienced guests share what they've learned to equip you for aiding your local candidates.
RSVP & see connection info here:
If there's a particular topic you'd like to discuss in April, let us know.
Action Highlight - Fight Death Row
Texas still employs the primitive & cruel practice of capital punishment. Help us fight it.
save Steven Nelson:
save Richard Tabler:
Volunteer Opportunities
We've got 2 open positions on the State Executive Committee. If you've been active for 9 months, it might be for you. Having a full SEC makes our work a little easier & means our actions are a better representation of Texan Greens. More information about the position can be found here:
Standing Committees
Several seats are unfilled on the national standing committees.
The SEC can approve appointment at any time, if you’re interested in serving in one of these positions, or would like to help with a smaller project, tell us at [email protected].
Visual / Graphic Artists
Are you an artist? The donation of a logo design or graphic for merch would be a great help. A button-making party could be a great activity for your local group, but maybe you have other fun ideas. Let us know!
Social Media
To help boost our social media posting frequency, a project has begun - a content calendar. If you have a little free time to research a month or just a week or two, so we have a backup topic for each day, email [email protected] to help out.
There are hundreds of days in the year, but the more help we have, the easier it'll be.
Register Some Voters!
Help eliminate a barrier to voting by getting people to register. Head to this site for more info on how that's done:
Group Highlight: Veterans for Peace
Veterans for Peace have been speaking out against war for longer than many Greens have been alive. You don't have to be a veteran to help them get the message out. Here's a few Texan contacts:
066 - Austin TX - Alan Pogue [email protected]
106 - Dallas/North TX Leslie Harris [email protected]
126 - San Antonio TX Larry Skwarczynski [email protected]
Please see their site if you're in another area.
If you know other organizations that are putting our 10 key values in action, send us the info so we can get the word out.
In Solidarity,
Green Party of Texas
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