Green Party of Virginia opposes new fossil fuel infrastructure; calls for Real Green New Deal
Green Party of Virginia calls for Real Green New Deal
RICHMOND Va – At this time when we must ban all new fossil fuel infrastructure including the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, Mountain Valley Pipeline and Buckingham Compressor Station in Union Hill, Democratically controlled Virginia is threatening two new compressor stations, one in Prince William County and one in the city of Chesapeake, and the expansion of the existing Ladysmith compressor station in Caroline County.
Green Party of Virginia
For Immediate Release
January 4, 2020
Ryan Wesdock, [email protected]
Every expansion locks us into 30 or more years of destruction of our water, air, climate and health, violations of property rights and the continued perpetration of environmental racism and classism.
Virginia has abundant potential in clean, renewable solar, hydro, and wind energy, without extracting additional fossil fuels. But this imperative transition will not happen without building power in the Green Party, the only corporate-free political party in Virginia, with every candidate united behind a real Green New Deal.
Join, fund, run and elect Greens in 2020.