Green Party of Virginia state party meeting
NOTE TO LC MEMBERS: please prepare written reports and send them to the business list at least a few days before the meeting. The focus of this business meeting is the election of new officers.
ALL NOMINATIONS FOR OFFICES must be made and accepted on the gpva business list at least 48 hours before the meeting.
LOCATION: Teleconference. Details for how to join the conference on the internet or by telephone will be published to the GPVA list-serves in the days prior to the meeting.
Choose facilitator, timekeeper, vibes watcher. (Note for our new members: Anyone can take on any one of these roles for a business meeting. If you would like to volunteer to take one of these roles you are free to do so, or someone may nominate you to do so. In the event two or more people are interested in serving in the same role, a co-chair will poll the members present regarding their preference. Facilitators should be familiar with both consensus practice and parliamentary norms, and possessed of both patience and self-confidence.)
Ratify agenda (5 min)
Approve minutes of last meeting (5 min)
OFFICIAL REPORTS (3 min each - total 30 min): (Detailed reports should be submitted in writing to the business list-serve, and highlights only briefly summarized at the meeting.)
Co-Chairs' report
Treasurer's report
Press Secretary's report
Webmaster's report
Secretary's Report
GPUS Representative & Committee Chair reports
Affirm Interim Decisions:
"Healing a Broken Agricultural System" Co-Sponsorship
"Agriculture as a Weapon of Domination" Co-Sponsorship
Confirmation of Interim Committee Appointments
Steffanie Aubuchon - Animal Rights Committee
Blaizen Bloom - Alternate National Delegate
Davion Washington - Diversity Committee
Elections (40 minutes):
Press Secretary
General Secretary
List-serve moderator
(BREAK: 30 min)
GPUS committee appointments/reappointments. (10 min)
Blue Ridge National Platform Amendment Proposal (20 min)
Candidates Seeking Nomination/Endorsement (20 min)
Blaizen Bloom
Garry Hubbard
Revised Social Media Policy (see below) (10 min)
2022 Strategic Plan Discussion (20 min)
Candidate Endorsement/Nomination Questionnaire (20 min)
Agenda addendum: Revised Social Media Policy
GPVA SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY - Revisions (October, 2021)
This policy was adopted by the Green Party of Virginia by an interim meeting vote on December 27, 2017.
The overall responsibility for the content of our commercial social media accounts will belong to the GPVA Press Secretary. Maintainers, moderators, and other assistants for specific social media accounts may be assigned by the Leadership Council, or by the Press Secretary subject to the consent of the Leadership Council.
Facebook GPVA Main Page: The GPVA Main Facebook Page exists for the promotion of the Green Party of Virginia. The GPVA Main Facebook page will not be a place for party members to debate party positions. The purpose of this page is meant for the Green Party of Virginia to engage with constituents, to promote the party, and to educate non-party constituents about the GPVA, its principles, and its political program. The highest standard of behavior and etiquette is expected from members who participate on the page. Comments and other activity that is counterproductive to the purpose of the GPVA Main Facebook Page may be deleted by the moderators of the page. Moderators will notify the responsible poster in the instance of a deletion, along with the justification for the deletion of the post. Repeat offenders of violations to this policy will be subject to a ban from the page.
Facebook GPVA Organizing and Discussion Page: The GPVA Organizing and Discussion Facebook Page exists as an outlet for GPVA members to engage with each other on topics of direct relevance to the Green Party of Virginia. Only GPVA members may join this page. Greens and others from outside Virginia are not to be given posting privileges. If a post includes a link, image, or any other non-textual elements, the responsible poster must include an accompanying text stating its relevance to the GPVA. Posts about other political parties should never be made unless there is a direct and explicit connection to, comparison to, or contrast with the Green Party. Additionally, all discussion is to observe the highest standards of behavior and etiquette. Constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement of the Green Party are encouraged, but under no circumstances will personal or implied attacks against the Green Party or any member of the Green Party be tolerated. Posts or comments in violation of these guidelines will be deleted by the moderators of the page. Moderators will notify the responsible poster in the instance of a deletion, along with the justification for the deletion of the post. Repeat offenders of violations to this policy will be subject to a ban from the page.
GPVA Twitter & Instagram accounts: The GPVA Twitter and Instagram accounts exist for the promotion of the Green Party of Virginia, the posting of timely information about the GPVA and official GPVA responses and comments to current events. The GPVA Twitter and Instagram accounts are not meant to be used for personal commentary, engaging in debates, or other responses to tweets by other organizations or individuals.
GPVA Youtube page: The GPVA Youtube page exists for the promotion of the Green Party of Virginia, the posting of timely information about the GPVA and official GPVA responses and comments to current events. The purpose of this page is meant for the Green Party of Virginia to engage with constituents, to promote the party, and to educate non-party constituents about the GPVA, its principles, and its political program. The GPVA Youtube page is not meant to be used for personal commentary, engaging in debates, or other responses to comments by other organizations or individuals.
No other social media accounts bearing the name "Green Party of Virginia" in any form should be created or operated without the express consent of the GPVA Leadership Council and only under guidelines set by the GPVA Leadership Council. Take-down notices will be sent to any person or organization making unauthorized use of the name "Green Party of Virginia" or "Virginia Green Party."
All GPVA members are encouraged to assist the moderators in the enforcement of these guidelines by reporting inappropriate posts or comments and by alerting party members of any unauthorized use of the party's name in social media.
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