Green Party of Washington Nominating Convention
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Green Party of Washington Convention begins May 4 and runs thru June
The Green Party of Washington State will hold a Nominating Convention to select electors and to participate in nominating our Green Party Presidential candidate. Our Nominating Convention will begin in Seattle and Olympia on May 4, 2024, and continue on weekends through May and June.
During our meetings, we will select our Washington State electors and gather the required 1,000+ signatures from Washington voters to place our Green Party Presidential candidate on the November General Election ballot.
On Saturday, May 4, we will meet at Cal Anderson Park, 1635 11th Avenue in Seattle from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.
On Sunday, May 5, we will meet at Fremont PCC, 600 N 34th Street in Seattle from Noon to 4:00 pm.
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