The Green Party of Washington State hopes you join us at our Spring Gathering!

The Green Party of Washington (GPWA) 2022 Spring Gathering will be held on Sunday, May 15, 2022, at 12:00 PM PT.

We're excited to welcome special guest speaker Kit Muehlman from Fair Vote Washington to tell us all about the movement to bring Ranked Choice Voting to Washington elections.

Register now for the GPWA 2022 Spring Gathering on Zoom.

Go here to RSVP to the event on Facebook and invite friends! (Note: you still need to Register on Zoom in order to attend the Gathering). Help us spread the word on Twitter!

All GPWA members in good standing will be eligible to participate in decision-making and voting.

You can become a dues-paying member of GPWA or renew your membership at

Come with your ideas about how to grow the Green Party and support allied movements for peace, justice, democracy, and ecology!


  • Social Time from 12pm to 1pm: Informal Lunch with Fellow Greens

  • Ranked-Choice Voting in WA State -- update from FairVote WA organizers Kit Muehlman and Stoney Bird

  • Business Meeting: Nominations to fill 3 open Coordinating Council positions (2 At-Large, 1 Deputy Treasurer); Nominations for National Committee Delegates and Alternates; Candidate Statements; Review Online Ballot and Voting Process; Recruitment for GPUS Committees

  • Group Discussion: How You Can Help Grow the Green Party in Washington this Spring!

We hope to see you online at the Gathering!

In solidarity,
Green Party of Washington State Coordinating Committee

Become a GPWA member, check your membership status, or renew your membership today!

Keep up with us on Twitter and Facebook 
Donations are always appreciated and put to good use!

  • May 15, 2022 at 12:00pm – 2pm
  • Green Party of Washington State

Showing 1 reaction

  • david doonan
    published this page in Calendar 2022-05-09 10:51:49 -0400