Great News from the Illinois Green Party
As the Illinois Green Party gears up for the People's Climate March and May Day in just two short weeks, we have a very important announcement: A generous Green is matching donations up to $2,500!
Whether or not you will be in the streets protesting, demonstrate your commitment to Green Party values by donating today. Your donation goes twice as far when you use this link to donate in the next few weeks during this matching campaign. Checks and money orders mailed to the address at the bottom of this message will also be matched.
Gifts from supporters like you increase our capacity to be out there getting things done for working people and the environment!
Thank you for being a Green Party supporter, and we hope that you are able to help us take advantage of this exciting opportunity.
All the best,
Illinois Green Party Outreach
Illinois Green Party
213 S Wheaton Ave
Wheaton IL 60187