Green Action Alert!
Green Party of Washington urges support for these bills
These state bills need your help! They need to get out of the house where they originated by March 9. Please take action to keep these critical bills moving.
Tell your Legislator we need restrictions on police use of force:
It is time to strengthen safeguards for the public against use of force by law enforcement officers. House Bill 1310 would achieve that goal by requiring that officers use force only as a last resort: When it is necessary to prevent serious bodily injury or death. This is the legal standard that should govern officers’ interactions with the public, one which makes human life paramount in public safety. Go here and click “Comment on this bill.”
Pass the capital gains tax:
The proposed capital gains tax, Senate Bill 5096, is needed to both generate additional revenue and help reverse the upside-down tax code in Washington state. This measure has been contemplated for several years. This year, with the clear highlighting of wealth and racial inequities by the COVID pandemic, it is time to act. This tax would only apply to the people at the top 1% of income, who have the means to pay. It would help fund education and address other financial needs of the state. Go here and click “Comment on this bill.”
Help pass the public bank:
Consideration of a public bank for Washington state has gone on for 10 years or more. A public bank would allow public funding to be pooled for infrastructure loans and bonding at much lower rates than are currently possible in the private sector bank system. This could increase the state and local governments’ capacity for financing infrastructure. Senate Bill 5188 has a chance of passing this year. Go here and click “Comment on this bill.”
Help pass the environmental justice bill on the Senate floor:
The environmental justice bill, Senate Bill 5141, just passed in the Senate! Ask your representatives to vote YES on this bill because all voices must be heard so that all lives can flourish. Go here and click “Comment on this bill.”
Another action to take today
The climate crisis is urgent and rail transport is a solution hiding in plain sight!
Your State Legislators need to hear from you today (or soon!) about a transportation-based climate solution: the restarting of the Amtrak Cascades Long Range Plan (LRP).
The Amtrak Cascades LRP can deliver a proportionate, achievable and impactful transportation solution to the climate crisis for our State. And it can serve as a Solutionary Rail pilot project, a huge step for lowering greenhouse gas emissions, tire and air pollution, congestion, wear and tear, and much more.
You can significantly move this forward by sending emails to the 3 elected officials in your district!
Check out the Call to Action page HERE. For more info on the Amtrak Cascades LRP, visit the Climate Rail Alliance page.
No matter what their party or what committees they're on, your State Senator and two Representatives can push WSDOT to make a strong request of our federal government.
Please send your emails as soon as possible this week, so that our legislators can meet the Appropriations Request deadline of March 12th.
What are we asking for? Two things:
- State funding to update the Amtrak Cascades Long Range Plan, and
- State legislators to work with WSDOT to file a Transportation Funding Request to the federal government.
The more legislators who request this to be filed, the better our chances of getting federal funds for this State project.
Can you help by taking a few minutes to contact your elected officials?
The steps to follow are on the Call to Action page HERE.
Thank you for taking actions this week, for the necessity of our climate, communities, jobs, and economic recovery!
* Thank you to the League of Women Voters of Washington State, the Backbone Campaign, and the Climate Rail Alliance for creating these action alerts!
In solidarity,
Green Party of Washington State
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