Green Party and Libertarian Party Ballot Access Press Conference
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ALBANY. NY – The Green Party of New York and Libertarian Party of New York will hold a joint press conference to discuss their next steps in challenging the unjust ballot access thresholds implemented by the Public Campaign Finance Commission. Green speakers will include Mark Dunlea, former Comptroller candidate, and Peter LaVenia, state party co-chair. Libertarian speakers will include James Rosenbeck, party chair.
Green Party of New York
For Immediate Release
December 6, 2019
Peter LaVenia, Co-chair, GPNY [email protected] or 518-495-8001
James Rosenbeck, Chair, LPNY [email protected]
The press conference will be held at 1:00 p.m. on Monday, December 9, in the LCA Pressroom, LOB 130, Albany, NY.
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