Green Party Election Day Guide for news media, with late-breaking Green news
Election Central: Results for Green candidates in the Nov. 8 general election
"Jill Stein files legal complaint against Clinton and Trump campaigns for violating Super PAC laws" (Stein/Baraka press release, Nov. 6)
Green Party of the United States
For Immediate Release:
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator, 202-904-7614, [email protected]
"Today Green Party Presidential candidate Jill Stein filed a legal complaint before the Federal Election Commission against Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s presidential campaigns for having illegally coordinated with Super PACs in violation of campaign finance laws.
Stein’s complaint outlined a body of evidence indicating that the Clinton campaign has improperly coordinated activities with Super PACs such as Correct the Record, Priorities USA Action, and American Bridge 21st Century, while the Trump campaign has improperly coordinated activities with Super PACs such as Rebuilding America Now, Make America Number 1, and Great America PAC."
More Greens are gathering at Standing Rock to protest the Dakota Access Pipeline, including national party co-chair Andrea Mérida Cuellar; Dawn Neptune Adams, an indigenous woman from the Penobscot tribe and member of the Maine Independent Green Party executive committee; and Colorado U.S. Senate candidate Arn Menconi. Dr. Stein and running mate Ajamu Baraka were charged for civil disobedience at Standing Rock in September.
Greens are calling Hillary Clinton's position-free statement on the pipeline an indication of what kind of leadership to expect from a Clinton Administration on climate change.
"Why 5% for the Green Party is a win for America"
Green Party candidates for state and local office
Featured candidates
Green Party candidates to watch on Nov. 8
U.S. House and Senate | Statewide office and state legislature | Local office
Endorsements for Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka:
Statements from Dr. Cornel West, Chris Hedges, Susan Sarandon, Marc Lamont Hill, and many others
Worried about the "spoiler" effect? Enact Ranked Choice Voting
Greens prepare for possible voting problems:
"A call to progressives: Help build and own the Green Party" by David Cobb, The Hill, Nov. 7
2016 Elections
Wrap-up of the 2016 Green National Convention
Jill Stein for President / Ajamu Baraka for Vice President
Green candidates for local and state office
Featured Candidates
Green Party of the United States
Green candidate database and campaign information
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Green Papers
Green merchandiseGreen Pages: The official publication of record of the Green Party of the United States
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