Green Party adopts DNC ploy, offers journalists questions for Harris
Greens: "We're on to you, DNC and talking heads."
WASHINGTON, DC — The Green Party of the United States is offering journalists a list of challenging questions to ask Democratic nominee Kamala Harris in interviews, mirroring a strategy used by the Democratic National Committee. The questions for Harris are listed below.
Tavis Smiley revealed during his October 24 interview with Green presidential nominee Jill Stein and running mate Butch Ware ( that the DNC has been manipulating media coverage of the presidential race by sending journalists insinuating and hostile questions for Dr. Stein, including personal attacks.
For immediate release
Monday, October 28, 2024
Gloria Mattera, Green Party Media Committee Coordinator, 202-804-2758, [email protected]
Scott McLarty, Green Party Media Director, 202-878-2112, [email protected]
"If a journalist reads questions supplied by a political party to a candidate during the course of an interview, the journalist has an obligation to reveal the source of the questions. Tavis Smiley did so, to his credit. Other journalists who've posed similar questions to Dr. Stein haven't, which makes them mouthpieces for the DNC," said Joseph Naham, co-chair of the Green Party of the US.
"We've decided to employ the DNC's strategy, except we're doing it publicly and transparently so journalists can maintain their integrity," said Naham.
Greens suspected that coordinated manipulation was happening in certain news media, because of the similarity in attempts to misrepresent, discredit, and smear Dr. Stein.
Questions for Kamala Harris
- You've repeatedly called for a ceasefire in Gaza. If you're truly disturbed by the Israeli Defense Forces' extermination of innocent civilians, why haven't you sought a cutoff of US weapons for Israel to force a ceasefire?
- Why haven't you called Israel an apartheid state, in agreement with the assessment of over 156 other world leaders and the International Court of Justice?
- As senator, you supported the Green New Deal, which was originally proposed by the Green Party, including a carbon tax and bans on fracking and offshore drilling. Why do you now endorse fracking and more drilling as the global climate crisis worsens? Why did you boast during the September 10 debate that the Biden-Harris administration has facilitated "the largest increase in domestic oil production in history"?
- How do you plan to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement and the previous commitment of the Biden-Harris administration to reduce US greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030, which is now only six years away?
- As senator you co-sponsored a bill setting a schedule to increase the percentage of zero-emission vehicles. As vice presidential candidate you said you would reinstate federal emission rules for vehicles that would lead to 100% of cars sold in 2035 having zero emissions. Why have these positions disappeared from your campaign?
- Democrats had over 50 years to codify Roe v. Wade. Instead, President Obama declared it "not the highest legislative priority" in 2009 and Hillary Clinton chose an anti-abortion running mate in 2016. Why did Dems wait until 2020 to decide that protecting women's reproductive rights is urgently important?
- Dr. Stein has rejected an endorsement from rightwing extremist David Duke. Will you reject the endorsement you received from former Vice President Dick Cheney, whose role as mastermind of the 2003 US invasion of Iraq and deceptions to win public support for it led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians and thousands of US troops?
- Many Democrats have expressed outrage over support by some Republicans for Dr. Stein's campaign. Is this outrage fair when the Harris-Walz campaign has accepted endorsements and generous contributions from Liz Cheney, her father, former Trump aide Cassidy Hutchinson, and other Republican leaders and PACs?
- As senator you called the border wall proposed by Trump "un-American" and said you wouldn't vote for it "under any circumstances." Why, as vice president, did you support a Senate bill to fund a wall? Why do you support tighter rules on asylum claims? Why have your positions on immigration moved closer to Trump’s?
- Given your experience working at McDonald's, why don't you support a livable $25/hour federal minimum wage for American workers including fast-food employees?
- You co-sponsored Medicare for All legislation as senator and promoted it as vice-presidential candidate. Why did you abandon your support for Medicare For All? What is your plan now to cover 27 million uninsured Americans and protect us from financial ruin because of a medical emergency?
- Why haven't Democrats in the US Senate used their power to block Republican presidents' extremist appointees to the Supreme Court, as Republicans have done to Democratic presidents' appointees? An example is Judge Amy Coney Barrett, whose confirmation Dem Senators including you could have prevented using the same procedural tactics that Sen. Mitch McConnell employed to obstruct an Obama nominee.
- If Trump wins on November 5, who will Democrats blame the most to deflect attention from their failures? Jill Stein? Muslim voters? Black and Latinx men? Vladimir Putin? Susan Sarandon?
See also:
• GreenStream: Interviews with Green Women Candidates running in 2024
• Acceptance speeches by nominees Jill Stein and Butch Ware, videos of state and local Green candidates, and more at the 2024 Green Convention
Green Party of the United States
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