Green Party Grants $1200 to Renaud Brown
Renaud Brown
The Green Party of the US recently awarded Renaud with a $1200 grant, offered through its Coordinated Campaign Committee. We in the CCC have extended more than $10,000 in the last twelve months to candidates at local, state, and congressional levels. Our mission is to support worthy candidates and give them funds, tools, and resources.
Your contributions to the GPUS Coordinated Campaign Committee augment the annual budget allocations that we receive from the national party, helping us to support more candidates like Renaud.
I am running against progressive Democrat Odette Ramos. My platform focuses on education - particularly accountability for school officials and Kirwan funding. Housing is another important issue because foreclosures rates and rental evictions are alarming. Lastly, I actively petition to repeal or block the spread of at-will employment. Let's draft legislation that models Montana’s Wrongful Discharge Act. I am looking forward to speaking across the district to Baltimoreans and hopes to change the policies in city government.
Renaud Brown
Renaud is a member of the Baltimore Transit Equity Coalition, the Prince George's Peace and Justice Coalition, and a stakeholder in the people-owned New Deal Caféco-op in Greenbelt. When he ran for office in 2022 Renaud was recognized as a Gun Sense Candidate by Mom's Demand Action, a grassroots movement of Americans fighting for public safety measures that can protect people from gun violence.
Please donate to Renaud Brown's campaign for Baltimore City Council
Renaud was born in Washington, DC. He has a Bachelor’s in Music in Music Education from Shenandoah Conservatory, Winchester, VA and a Master's of Arts in Music from Morgan State University. Renaud conducted the John Mann Youth choir, Winchester, VA and played for the Berryville Seventh-day Adventist Church in Berryville, VA. He has toured and performed opera in North America and Europe.
Cash awards, like the $1200 award given to Renaud, are granted by the GPUS Coordinated Campaign Committee (CCC). These grants are possible because of grass roots donors like you. None of these funds comes from corporate or establishment interests.
There are eight of us on the CCC. We are elected by the GPUS National Committee to provide support to candidates. Among the things we do is to vet grant applications. When we find them worthy we strive to be as generous as possible within our financial means.
There is a certain brashness and militance in Renaud's campaign that we think is necessary in the political fight against capitalism and for taking on so-called progressive Democrats.
Your contribution to either the general funds of the Green Party of the United States or directly to the Coordinated Campaign Committee allows us to support more great candidates like Renaud.
Thank you for your support!
GPUS Coordinated Campaign Committee
Green Party US CCC
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