Green Party local forms in Flint, Michigan, elects officers
FLINT, Mich. – Green Party members from Genesee and Shiawassee Counties gathered last Saturday for the inaugural meeting of Vehicle City Greens. This new local chapter of the Green Party of Michigan covers both Genesee and Shiawasee Counties. 24 people attended the meeting, which was held at the Flint Public Library on Kearsley St at 11:00 am.
January 11, 2017
Media Contact/Schedule an Interview:
Joel Meredith (616) 485-4042
Members nominated the following officers to lead the group:
Group Leader: Brandon Verdier
Funding Co-ordinator: Jenny Moench
Media Contact: Joel Meredith
Second Representative to the State Central Committee – Ryan LoRee
Prior to the meeting, members voted on top priorities in an online poll. The top three priorities are addressing the water situation in Flint, infrastructure, and coalition building. The group will spend January brainstorming ways to address these questions and regroup to discuss in February.
"We believe there's a great opportunity to build the Green Party locally. Almost one thousand people voted straight ticket Green in our local area." said Erin Fox the group's founder and contact person, who the primary contact between the local and the State Central Committee. "Jill Stein won 2500 votes between Genesee and Shiawasee Counties in the 2016 presidential contest. We plan to build upon that"
"People here are jaded with the two-party system. They want leaders who are not beholden to big money interests." said LoRee, who is considering a run for public office in 2018. "Local residents want our elected officials to act in the best interests of all Michigan residents." group spokesperson Joel Meredith stated, "Voters want a change and therefore, we intend to provide an alternative to the established political duopoly."
Fox plans to help lead canvassing teams across the two-county region, with a focus on addressing the concerns of disenfranchised residents and impoverished neighborhoods.
Green Party state officials Joe Jordan, Sherry Wells also addressed the attendees. Wells was the Green Party of Michigan candidate for State Board of Education in 2016, earning more than 100,000 votes.
Regular meetings of the Vehicle City Greens are currently scheduled for the first Saturday of every month at the Flint Public Library. To request an interview/quote, please contact Vehicle City Greens media rep Joel Meredith at (616) 485-4042