Green Party POTUS Forum in Alaska
In celebration of the Green Party of Alaska's 30th anniversary as the first in the nation to get ballot recognition for the Green Party in the US, we are honored to bring you live-streamed from the Green Party of Alaska Facebook page, the Earth Day special State of the Planet POTUS forum. Six candidates will take the virtual stage and moderated by Alaska's prodigal son, Nick Moe, we will show why Americans still have choices on this most important day of this most important year. Clearly demonstrate the Green Party is one of principle, for the planet and her people, and with several plans to unify the party and the nation as we lead the world beyond the carbon economy.
Green Party of Alaska
State of the Planet Green Party POTUS forum
4:00 – 6:00 p.m. (Alaska standard time)
Livestreamed from GPAK FB
The event is being shared with Greens all over the world with the assistance of the good folks over at Team 54 project International. Today they kick off their new 5-year mission to terraform spaceship earth as the means by which we can introduce permaculture as the economic primer for putting the people back to work healing the planet.