Green Party Webinar on Climate and the Military

‏An aerial photo showing the Sunnah of flames in the market of the Al-Arab neighborhood in the city of Omdurman, Sudan on June 2, 2023

On Monday, December 9, at 8 PM (ET) the EcoAction Committee and the Green Party Peace Action Committee are holding a webinar on the issue of the military and climate change. Speakers will include Haig Hovaness of GPAX; Prof. David Schwartzman of EcoAction; and Sue Ann Martinsen of End Military Madness Against the Earth. Pre-registration is required. RSVP Here.

The military impacts climate change in multiple ways. War and military conflicts are environmental and climate disasters. Severe weather events and global warming destabilize countries, especially those with already unstable governments and under-resourced infrastructure. The competition for land, water, and food, as well as dealing with potentially tens of millions of climate refugees (including many already coming to the US), increases the likelihood of military conflicts between countries.

The global military, with the Pentagon in the lead, has been the biggest greenhouse gas emissions of any institution on the planet, representing between 1 to 5% of annual emissions.  The $2 trillion spent on the military worldwide diverts resources that could be spent on climate action instead. And many wars are fought over access to fossil fuels.

The Green Party Peace Action Committee (GPAX) works to strengthen the peace pillar of the USGP. GPAX supports peace actions, produces anti-war webinars, issues public statements, and assists GP candidates for political office. GPAX welcomes new members who wish to participate in this work. The EcoAction Committee promotes ecological wisdom, environmental justice, sustainability and responsible governmental stewardship of the Earth and its inhabitants.

Haig Hovaness is the Co-Chair of GPAX. He has written and spoken on defense issues and the danger of conflict escalation. Haig has a professional background in information technology. Videos of his GPAX presentations are available at the GPAX website,

Women Against Military Madness (WAMM) is a member-based organization whose mission is to oppose U.S. militarism and involvement in wars. WAMM challenges systems of harm, oppression and exploitation, and helps build movements of solidarity with others for peace and justice through education and action.

David Schwartzman is a member of the EcoAction Committee. He is a Professor Emeritus, Howard University (biogeochemist, environmental scientist, PhD, Brown University) and an active member of the DC Statehood Green Party/Green Party of the United States. He will focus on the need for the near future defeat of militarized fossil capital and its political instruments.


  • December 09, 2024 at 8:00pm – 11pm
  • EcoAction Committee

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  • david doonan
    published this page in Calendar 2024-12-03 13:08:31 -0500