Vote in the Green-Rainbow primary election
BOSTON – On Tuesday, March 3, Massachusetts parties will have their turn at choosing nominees for President of the United States, and the Green-Rainbow Party is no exception.
The first step you can take: Select a Green-Rainbow Party ballot (the green one!) and vote for your choice of a Green Party candidate for president.
This year, before the Massachusetts primary election day of Tuesday, March 3rd, we'll also have an opportunity for early voting from February 24th to February 28th. For more information about voting locations and times for early voting in your city or town, go to
Meet the Candidates!
When you vote on Tuesday you will see four candidates on the Green-Rainbow ballot in the following order:
Dario Hunter
Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza Curry
Dr. Kent Mesplay
Howie Hawkins
To find out more about each candidate, visit their official websites linked above.
Voting isn't the only way you can participate in the presidential election process. Continue reading to learn how you can be a delegate to the Presidential Nominating Convention or an elector to the Electoral College.
Become a Delegate!
Being a convention delegate is the most visible and fun aspect of the presidential election process.
The Green Party of the United States will hold its Presidential Nominating Convention in Detroit, MI on July 9 – July 12, 2020.
Don't miss your opportunity to be on the floor representing Massachusetts voters by casting a vote for the Green Party's nominee. To ensure diversity, limited financial assistance may be available. It's easy. Simply fill out the delegate application form.
Then either
- print, sign and mail it, OR
- print, sign, scan and e-mail it OR
- e-mail an unsigned form and someone will contact you to verify your application.
You can find instructions on the form.
Elect the Next President!
If the Green Party candidate wins the Massachusetts general election on November 3, 2020, 11 electors from the Green-Rainbow party will gather at the State House on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December to cast their votes for President of the United States. If you are interested in serving as an elector, contact the Green-Rainbow Party at [email protected].
For People, Planet and Peace,
Charlene DiCalogero and Maha Gray, Co-chairs,
Green-Rainbow Party
Green-Rainbow Party · 50 Atherton St, Boston, MA 02119-3143, United States