Greens Invite Progressives, Activists, & Voters to Meeting in Glassboro On Oct. 3rd
Join your fellow progressive neighbors in Gloucester County, New Jersey and learn how we can build the Green Party in our area. The Green Party is growing rapidly in New Jersey, and we are forming local chapters across the state that can organize and take the bold steps needed to end the domination of the 2 corporate parties.
At this meeting, we will also be recruiting volunteers for Jill Stein's presidential campaign. Jill is the only candidate who puts people over profits every time. She’s also the only candidate in the race that stands with the American voter on common-sense policies including:
Green Party of New Jersey
For Immediate Release:
September 27, 2016
Denise Brush, GP of Gloucester County at: [email protected]
Rich Harris, NJ Coordinator for the Stein Campaign at: [email protected]
WHO: The Green Party of Gloucester County
WHAT: The monthly meeting of the Gloucester Greens.
WHEN: October 3, 2016 From 7pm to 8pm
WHERE: Barnes & Noble Glassboro, 201 Rowan Blvd. Glassboro, NJ 08028
WHY: Join your fellow progressive neighbors in Gloucester County and learn how we can build the Green Party in our area. The Green Party is growing rapidly in New Jersey, and we are forming local chapters across the state that can organize and take the bold steps needed to end the domination of the 2 corporate parties.
At this meeting, we will also be recruiting volunteers for Jill Stein's presidential campaign. Jill is the only candidate who puts people over profits every time. She’s also the only candidate in the race that stands with the American voter on common-sense policies including:
- Getting off fossil fuel by 2030 to stop climate change
- A Green New Deal jobs program that would provide good jobs to replace and repair our crumbling infrastructure as well as protect our planet.
- Making higher education tuition-free to all
- Single-payer health care as a right
The buzz about the Green Party and Jill's campaign is growing every single day. Help us continue to keep this revolution moving forward. RSVP for this event today!
Julie Saporito-Acuna , Chairperson, GPNJ at: [email protected]
Brian D Powers, Chairperson, Membership Committee, GPNJ at: [email protected]
Jim Brash, Media Committee at: [email protected]