Greens Unite! Building Solidarity and Coalitions Among Alternative Parties
Three California Alternative Parties File Federal Lawsuit Against the Top-Two System
On November 21, 2024, the Peace & Freedom Party, Green Party, and Libertarian Party filed a federal lawsuit against California's top-two election system. The case, Peace & Freedom Party v. Weber, challenges the system's constitutionality.
In a recently released statement, Richard Winger notes,
"In its almost fourteen years of existence, the California top-two system has barred all minor party members from appearing on the general election ballot, except in races in which only one of the two major parties ran someone in that race."
See the GPCA Nov. 22 Press Release.
GPCA and the ProRep Coalition
Alternative Parties are collaborating beyond their collective opposition to the Top-Two Primary system. An example is the Proportional Representation Coalition, a non-profit Electoral Reform organization founded in 2023 to enable multiparty democracy in California
The Green Party of California became an early partner and appointed David Cobb, GPCA spokesperson, 2004 Green Party Presidential Nominee, and long-time Electoral Reform organizer, as our liaison to the ProRep Coalition.
"It isn't surprising to me that this Coalition has grown so quickly," David said. "We have active leadership from 6 alternative political parties and 11 notable electoral reform and advocacy groups. Californians know the two-party system is broken, and Proportional Representation is how we can fix it," he concluded.
The GPCA's public statement in ProRep's Jan. 2024 report:
“The Green Party of California is committed to proportional representation because it diversifies our legislature to more closely reflect the composition of the actual population and their political perspectives. It extends representation to voters from alternative parties, increases voter participation, eliminates gerrymandering, and reduces the percentage of votes needed to win, thereby acting as a campaign finance reform," - Green Party of California.
Join us in support of building a multiparty democracy in California!
REMINDER: Join the Green Party of California online this Saturday!
December 14, 2024, 10 am PT
The GPCA welcomes all California greens -- voters and members to volunteers and supporters -- to join us in discussions about ways to get involved and Grow the Green Party throughout California and beyond.
Don't miss out - we've only just begun!
Please use the link and phone dial-in below to join us on Sat. 12/14 at 10 am:
Meeting ID: 847 8273 0379
Passcode: 050730
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