Growing Green in the Evergreen State - 2025
The Green Party of Washington hopes everyone's New Year is going well, so far!
First, we want to give a BIG WELCOME to our new supporters who are receiving our email for the first time! We're so happy you are here and thank you for supporting Jill Stein and Butch Ware in the 2024 election.
We want you to know we've been organizing monthly Green Party Statewide Volunteer meetings, and our next one is this Sunday, January 12 at 7:00 pm PT. Click here to Register. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the meeting. Our focus this month is on How to start and grow your Local Green Party Chapter.
If you have attended past Statewide Calls and are already registered, you don't need to register again. We will send you a Zoom Link reminder on Sunday. Green Party volunteers, members, and friends are welcome to join us! We hope to see you Sunday!
The Green Party is here for the people and the planet. Our vision is to ensure that our local, state, and national governments care about the health of our planet and future generations.
Right now there are so many critical and growing issues. You know what they are and we know the corporate parties won't fix them. It's essential we have a strong and vibrant Green Party that can lead the way on important issues. We need to organize and elect Greens at every level of government! We need all the Greens in Washington to help us. We need you!
As a Member, you will continue our grassroots movement by supporting local chapters, organizers, and candidate recruitment. Just click on the "Join GPWA" button below to join! You decide how much your membership dues will be (pay yearly or monthly) plus you can join with the waiver we offer for those experiencing financial hardship at this time.
Here are a few examples of how your membership dues can help:
- $10 a month can help us build the online infrastructure of GPWA.
- $15 a month can provide tools, tactics, and training for our local Chapters.
- $20 a month can provide signage and promotional materials for our Chapters and Organizers.
To check your membership status, click Membership Status - Green Party of Washington State.
To Opt Out of our Emails, click below where it says "To stop receiving emails, click here". We won't email you more than twice a month so we hope you'll stay with us; however, we understand if you don't want to receive our communications. It's your choice!
In solidarity,
Green Party of Washington State Coordinating Council
P.S.: You can join our Loomio Platform to keep up with everything happening in real-time! You can also share important activist information and give us your feedback. It's a great way to communicate with other Greens around our state. Click on this link to request to join: GPWA | Loomio
Chapters: Local Green Party Chapters – Green Party of Washington
Events: Events – Green Party of Washington
Membership: Membership - Green Party of Washington State
Discussion: GPWA | Loomio
X-Twitter: @GreenPartyWA
Facebook: @GreenPartyWA
Instagram: @greenpartyofwashington
Blue Sky:
Donations to GPWA are always appreciated and put to good use!
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