Growing Green: Tools for Contacting Your Supporters!

If your state party, local, or campaign needs something a little more powerful than email lists and WordPress-like websites, definitely check out this teach-in overview of two tools Nationbuilder and Constant Contact.

Looking for a way to contact your supporters, including donors, volunteers and members? Are you needing something affordable that's more than just a website? JOIN US for a Teach-In Session hosted by the Green Party Outreach Committee on using resources like Nationbuilder, Constant Contact, and other CRM and mass contact services.

The Outreach Committee wants to help Greens to keep in touch with your supporters and build your membership and volunteer base! In this teach-in, we will focus on an overview of Nationbuilder and Constant Contact features. 

Registration Link:

Tony Ndege
GPUS Cochair

  • March 24, 2021 at 8:00pm – 10pm
  • Outreach Committee

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  • david doonan
    published this page in Calendar 2021-03-23 11:05:52 -0400