The Massachusetts Green-Rainbow Party needs help getting on the ballot
The Massachusetts Green-Rainbow Party urgently needs your help getting our statewide slate on the ballot, which could lead to regaining major party status and securing ballot access for our 2024 federal and presidential candidates!
Would you like to see Green candidates through 2024? This year, MA Green-Rainbow Party is down several key volunteers for various reasons and they are relying heavily upon a professional petitioner to collect the 5000 verified signatures needed to secure ballot access for our slate of statewide candidates. We need his help and yours!
The deadline is approaching at the end of July! Our campaigns need to pay him (a very modest amount compared to any petition firm), for his work that we are truly grateful for so that we can get our slate on the ballot. MGRP also needs volunteer petitioners ASAP – even if you can only volunteer for just one day or event.
For Massachusetts Green-Rainbow Party candidates to be on the ballot in 2024 we must collect 5,000 valid signatures and turn them into the Board of Registrars of Voters or Election Commissioners for each respective town/city on each petition page by 5:00 p.m. on August 2.
If you would like to see Green candidates on the statewide ballot in 2022, and the possibility of our presidential candidate being on the ballot in MA in 2024, you can help by donating equally to our 2 statewide candidates as they must split the cost evenly per campaign finance law in MA
Donate online to both of our statewide candidates here:
Gloria Caballero Roca for State Auditor | Juan Sanchez for Secretary of the Commonwealth
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