Help get 1st Green onto Baltimore City Council
Baltimore has never elected a Green Party candidate before. But that’s going to change on Tuesday. With your help we have been taking our message directly to the voters and are now in a position to WIN.
We’ve knocked over 15,000 doors! No one running for office in this district has ever done that before.
We’ve received more endorsements than any of our opponents! We became the first Green Party candidate ever to get the endorsements of the Maryland Sierra Club and CASA in Action. Click here to see our latest endorsements.
We’ve just received our first national endorsement from the prestigious Democratic Socialists of America. DSA, an organization that rallied Bernie Sanders supporters all across the country is now focusing here on our local race. Click here to see our latest endorsements.
We’ve identified over 4000 supporters of our campaign, that’s enough to win. But only if we can get them out to the polls. To do that we need $3,500 for election day. We have hundreds of volunteers who will be working the polling locations all day throughout the city. They need t-shirts, food, drinks, signs, and of course lit to hand out. Can you dig deep and chip in one last time to help us win this election?
We will win, unless we don’t get this money. Want to see a Green on the Baltimore City Council for the first time ever, fighting for what we the people need? Help us with the financial resources we need to win.
We're getting the last remaining election day supplies TOMORROW so please do whatever you can. With your help we'll win and make history TOGETHER!
Courage & Solidarity,
Ian Schlakman