Want to help grow the Green Party?
MADISON, WI – Are you a Wisconsin Green Party supporter who's interested in helping grow the party for people, planet, and peace over profit?
One of the most effective ways to get involved is to join one of the Wisconsin Green Party's committees, our volunteer teams that carry out the work of our grassroots movement.
Interested in learning more about our committees and how you can get involved? Go to the committees page on our website.
The WI Green Party has 7 standing committees that meet monthly: Communications, Elections, Finance, Platform and Policy, Information Technology, Membership Outreach, and Dispute Resolution.
If you're a WIGP member and feel you can help with any of these areas, we'd love to hear from you!
Go to https://www.wisconsingreenparty.org/committees to learn more about what our committees do and submit a statement of interest letting us know how you'd like to help.
The Green Party is a people-powered grassroots organization run by the dedicated volunteer work of people like you. If you have any questions, or other ideas about how you'd like to help, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for everything you do to build a better world!
Peace and solidarity,
Dave Schwab
Co-chair, Wisconsin Green Party
P.S. The Green Party is a people-powered party that refuses to take money from corporations, lobbyists or super PACs. We rely entirely on people like you for support. Please consider making a contribution to support our work - thank you!
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