Help put the Green Party of Pennsylvania on the ballot
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The Green Party of Pennsylvania needs your help to ensure there's a Green choice on the ballot in Pennsylvania this year. We need at least 5000 signatures before July 29th, 2022, and we're over half way there now -- your help will get us to the goal! We're working to do this three ways, and call for volunteers to sign up for one of the following:
- VOLUNTEER to circulate a petition and get signatures from voters at public events! Contact us and we can get you materials to petition on your own, or connect you with teams in Pittsburgh or elsewhere!
SIGN a petition yourself, if you are a registered voter in PA! If you're unable to volunteer, we can mail you a petition; you sign it, get your friends, family, or neighbors to sign, and mail it right back!
- DONATE to help us cover petition expenses, filing fees, and legal costs, if you're unable to sign or volunteer!
Learn more about our slate of Green candidates in Pennsylvania, and sign up to volunteer, sign a petition, or donate, at!
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