Hiawassee Gathering

ASGP - Hiawassee Gathering December 8 - 10, 2000

The Green Party of the United States Contacts:
Nancy Allen, Media Coordinator 207-326-4576, [email protected]
Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator, 202-518-5624, [email protected]

The Georgia Green Party is set to host the Coordinating Committee of the Association of State Green Parties, at a post-election meeting being held in Hiawassee, Georgia, December 8 - 10, 2000. In conjunction with the ASGP meeting, a Gathering of Georgia Greens will be held simultaneously to discuss our activities of this election cycle and our plans for the 2002 campaigns. Please visit the following links for meeting details, locations, etc.
Members of the media are encouraged to attend. Please visit the Media Relations page for more information.

ASGP Meeting
Gathering of Georgia Greens
Call for Volunteers
Check Hiawassee Weather
Media Relations

Association of State Green Parties

The Georgia Green Party is proud to welcome the Association of State Green Parties to the North Georgia Mountains for what is sure to prove an historic gathering in our national development.

The Coordinating Committee of the Association of State Green Parties agreed at their Friday meeting immediately preceding the Denver Presidential Nominating Convention last June to hold the next face-to-face meeting in Hiawassee Georgia on December 8th through the 10th.

The agenda has been prepared by the Steering Committee and may be found here.

Each affiliated state Green Party is entitled to two voting delegates at this event and may also bring alternates as provided by their local rules. Any state Green Party which is not already affiliated with the ASGP is urged to contact the Accreditation Committee for an application for affiliation. You may obtain an application by contacting Tony Affigne with the Accreditation Committee.

All observers are welcome to attend the meeting.

Gathering of Georgia Greens

In a separate meeting held simultaneously with the ASGP-CC meeting on Saturday, we will use this opportunity to debrief on our activities of this election year, and to strategize our future development in preparation for the 2002 election cycle. Materials will be available to help you organize an affiliated Green Party local in your county. A full agenda for the day's business can be found here.

We will share meals with the ASGP and in the evening we will dance together in the Nutshell (if its warm) or the Lodge (if its cold).

Call for Volunteers!

Georgia volunteers are needed to aid with every aspect of hosting these meetings. If you are able to help with airport shuttles, cooking, serving, meeting set-up, clean-up, etc., please contact our coordinator, Kerrie Dickson via email or by phone at (706)896-7464 or (706)896-7946. All help is welcome and appreciated!


Both meetings are being held at:

Enota Campground and Resort
1000 Highway 180
Hiawassee, GA 30546
Email: [email protected]

Everyone is encouraged to stay on-site at Enota. To make your reservations, please contact the meeting coordinator Kerrie Dickson via email. We're sorry that there is no more on-site inside housing available. All Delegates across the country and from Greens around Georgia. There are still abundant camp sites and RV hook-ups on-site. Folks are now being to asked to book their rooms themselves at the Hiawassee Inn and the Holiday Inn Express in Hiawassee, just a 20 minute car ride away. Please go here for a list of available off-site housing. Please let us know that you've booked a room so we can plan for meals and extra chairs. Children are welcome. And cooperative child care is being organized on-site, including a Popcorn Video on the Large Screen Saturday Night Party during the dance.


Whether you are a carnivore, vegan or vegetarian, meals will be provided on-site and are sure to please. Meal tickets are available for $50 (for Friday through Sunday) or $25 per day. Children under 18 eat free. Thursday dinner is $6.00. Restaurants are also available 20 minutes away in either Helen or Hiawassee.


Directions to Hiawassee and Enota can be found by visiting the links below. Any out-of-town guests who need to schedule an airport shuttle may contact Kerrie Dickson via email or by phone at (706)896-7464 or (706)896-7946. Anyone who has scheduled an airport shuttle already may check the link below for the time and passenger list for your shuttle.

Hiawassee Weather

Here's the current weather for Hiawassee. Please note that because of the way the Enota Campground and Convention Center is situated in relation to the mountains, it is often several degrees colder there than in Hiawassee.


ASGP Minutes 12.10.2000

ASGP Coordinating Committee Minutes
National Meeting
December 9-10, 2000
Minutes from the meeting of the ASGP CC
Hiawassee, GA
12/9 and 12/10/00.
Submitted by Greg Gerritt

Session 1 AM 12/9/00

The first order of business was a request by Richard Walton, delegate from RI, asking that the meeting be dedicated to the recently departed Barbara Bradbury, former delegate from RI and a Green Party stalwart for many years. It was consensually agreed to dedicate the meeting to Barbara.

Roll Call
Delegates present from Green Parties in the following states:
AR, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, MA, ME, MI, MN, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, TN, TX, UT, VA, WI. 25 total
Absent AZ, HI, WY
Observers present from the following states:

Co-chair Annie Goeke opened the meeting by giving an overview of the successful role played by the ASGP and all it's committees in the inception of the presidential campaign right up to the day of the elections.

Co-chairs Tom Sevigny and Steve Herrick reported on the meeting with Ralph Nader in DC in which we discussed future plans, and set ourselves up for better communication between the ASGP and the Nader team. Each State party present gave a one minute report on recent events and election results in their state.

Facilitators Lynne Serpe and Robert Randall explained the procedures they
would use to facilitate the meeting.

Accreditation committee report: presented by Tony Affigne RI. Explained accreditation process. Resolution from committee to admit KS Green Party to Association. Secondedby CT. ASGP agreed on admitting KS.

Welcome. IL application is still under review, was not received in time for the committee to discuss and vote on it prior to this meeting. An email vote will go out after the committee finishes its review.

Steve Herrick reported on the Boston Negotiations and the Agreement that was produced by the negotiations. The process for approving or disapproving the resolution will be an up or down vote on the entire package. It was considered inappropriate to amend the agreement, as if one party to the negotiations amends an agreement, then the other side would also be free to amend, which would send the whole thing back to the drawing board.

There were a number of clarifying questions and much discussion. It was acknowledged that in order to implement the agreement that there will be changes in the bylaws, rules, and procedures of the ASGP and the future Green Party National Committee, and that there are provisions in the agreement that may contradict.

The facilitators then checked for consensus. 3 people had concerns but agreed to stand aside if their concerns would be recorded. Jennifer Ellingston DC. Concerned about how this agreement relates to work of transition committee and if the changes that need to be made by the ASGP to implement this will carry over into the new GP National Committee.

Howard Hawkins NY Concerned about implementation, the issue of clustering locals for representation on the new NC, and that some of the fine details are problematic. Paul Loney OR similar concerns to HH. Too many unknowns.

Note from Secretary: It is my belief that the issue of carrying over changes from the ASGP to the new GP NC will not be an issue. I assume, and it is just an assumption, that if the ASGP ratifies changes in structure, that they will carry over when the ASGP files for National Committee Status. I realize that not everyone agrees with this interpretation.

Transition Committee Report presented by Rick Lass NM and Ron Stanchfield NY. History of Transcomm and its mandates. It has been clear that there is strong support for moving from equal numbers of delegates for each state to one that is more proportional to the size and strength of the various Green Parties. The question is how to get there. There is acceptance that Congressional Districts are a reasonable way to total state populations, and that every State gets at least 2 Delegates. The size of the body is problematic, with most Greens looking for something around 150 delegates. Therefore a fully proportional body is out unless we lump or cluster Congressional Districts, and then the little states get disproportional power. But even this we can live with it seems. The questions are what is the right ratio of delegation size, and should delegations be required to show up in full number, making the body larger, or shall a smaller number of delegates, at an extreme two from every state, be given weighted votes, for example the two NY delegates could each have 15 votes, while those from NH would each have one vote.

Voice versus Vote is an issue that we are still looking for consensus on, and no cluster has yet emerged dominant, at least not among the committee. Ron presented his maps, we asked more questions.

The Transition Committee came back several more times during the weekend. Probably more than any committee in ASGP history the Trans Comm has asked questions, seeking to see if there is a consensus, and if so what it is. We will continue to prick consciences until a consensus is found. The committee needs a few new members to replace those stepping down. The committee has some wicked good debates, and is an interesting window into the evolution of the party. I highly recommend it if you can stand the uncertainty, and I will not bring this committee back in the minutes unless someone demands it.

The Transcomm does request that each state send in information about the size of the party, number and size of local groups, vote counts, etc. Would be good to see a questionnaire. A formal proposal to continue the the Transcomm was approved.

David Cobb, legal adviser to the ASGP, member of the TEXAS Green Party, presented a proposal for the ASGP to start preparing its FEC filing for National Party Committee Status, in other words to ask for an AO, Advisory Opinion. David provided background. Explained about State Party Committees, National Party Committees, and countless other things that we should all know. The Secretary knows some of this, but can not explain it as well as David. At the meeting we asked that David write up a formal report on his presentation, and that I reiterate that here. David, when it is ready please forward it out.

Rick Lass NM drafted Resolution language: The ASGP shall not file for an AO from the FEC on Green Party National Committee status before April 30, 2001. In the meantime ASGP may begin doing the necessary legal work and research in preparation of such a filing. If the GPUSA adopts the Boston Proposal, ASGP will defer to the new Green Party according to our resolution adopting the Boston Negotiations recommendations. However, after April 30, 2001 ASGP's CC will determine how the filing for an AO proceeds.

Proposed by RI, seconded by ME. Lots of questions, concerns. Process explained, the fact that there are rules that we can use to make decision on what is in the filing, what bylaws we use are the ones the body chooses to use. There do not seem to be any real issues around the idea that the new GP-US National Committee structure will be the direct evolutionary successor of the ASGP CC structure and operations. We are effecting our own transformation, and are legitimate in continuing in our seats as forming the Green Party as long as we are the duly elected delegates from our State Parties. When the filing is ready, we shall seek consensus on mailing it in, probably with a little wordsmithing. We shall probably do this as an email ballot. Test for /consensus. Concerns Julia Willebrand NY still worried about proportional representation, Basil Kyriakakasis AR this resolution violates our procedures. Dawn McClain MI Do we have the legal expertise in each state to do this properly? Consensus on the resolution.
Break for lunch and workshops.

12/9/00 PM Session

Moment of Silence for David Brower

Treasurer's Report Budget/Finances/Fundraising present by ASGP Treasurer
Robert Franklin TX.

Discussion of the so far not ready for prime time mailing and what lists are available. ASGP SC had hoped that more state parties would cooperate with us on a national mailing. States continue to discuss this at home. A few states have shared lists, others will do the mailing from home with ASGP providing materials and postage. Budget was looked at to be too low, and there was much concern over presenting a budget for an office without the IDEA of an office being debated first.
Agreed that there should be an email ballot on the exact way to request state party cooperation on a national mailing, included letting various states have a say in the timing of the mailing in their own state so as not to conflict too much with their local fundraising. Also agreed that we need a formal Treasurer's report at each meeting, and maybe in between too, such as every 3 months, and request the Treasurer send out current report within a reasonable time. Finance Committee was formed, and met later. Having an active team, rather than leaving this to a one or a few folks seems to be putting this on a better track.

Issue of DC office/Clearinghouse needs a discussion. Seed Money for organizing needs a fuller explanation/plan before being budgeted. Who should do the organizing plan? David Cobb came back to discuss Legal Issues, furthering our understanding of where we are heading. ASGP is currently a 501C4 organization. See David's report for a fuller explanation.

Committee Reports
Greg Gerritt pinch hit for the Media Committee because none of the committee leadership could attend the GA meeting. Greg thanked the Media Committee for a great job done all year and noted some of the controversies that occurred around a very few press statements such as the one on Palestine.

Nathalie Paravincini TX reported for the Communications committee. Prior to the Election progress was impossible, for obvious reasons. The committee is working on packets for delegates, helping to keep the lists up to date, and list serves, especially the etiquette and what they should be used for. The committee will keep us informed. Committee volunteers more than welcome.

Mike Feinstein, Green Mayor of Santa Monica CA, reported on cyberspace developments. There are all kinds of developments going on at <www.greens.org/election> Everyone should check it out, help keep it updated, and lookat all the new developments and data bases found there. Every State Party needs a password for posting to the site. Check with Michael. It is also time to convene a network of State Party webmasters. Someone want to take responsibility for this??? Green pages is transferring from Michael's complete care into the ASGP. ASGP will take over financial responsibilities and subscriptions and Michael will become part of the editorial collective with ????(Please help me here), and a design team will develop. Individual subscriptions and state party drops expected. Michael is also looking for people to create a list of media outlets in their neighborhood that should receive GreenPages. Each State Party should be responsible for its development, and many of them have these lists now.

International committee Report John Rensenbrink ME, Anne Goeke PA. Reports on a variety of international meetings from Lima to Stockholm that members of Int. Comm attended. Looking to be a link so that Greens in the US can understand the Global Green network and be connected to it. Network is one of people and ISSUES. If we network, we inform policy. Global Green Gathering in Australia April 14 to 16. Let the international committee know if you are planning to go.

Raphaël Thierrin of the Green Party of Canada then gave a speech on the situation in Canada, a place where the Green Party is really growing. Raphaël Thierrin suggested various avenues of collaboration between U.S. and Canadian Greens.

Adjourned until Sunday.

Many informal meetings took place and a good time was had by all on Saturday Night. Music, fun and festivities in the Georgia Mountains.

12/10 00 AM Session
First order of business: Planning the next meeting. There were relatively severe issues this time around people not registering on time, and just showing up at the last minute. This creates real planning havoc and facilities issues. As we grow, our needs become larger and the financial considerations of meetings, more important. Thee were too many of us for Enota to properly handle. We need to pay more attention, with the excuse this time of the election and our growth a start, but a complete explanation.

For variety of reasons, geographic balance, politics, and whatever, at least a few folks have previously hinted that we would appreciate it if CA would host the next gathering/CC meeting, preferably in June 2001. John Strawn, one of the delegates from CA has discussed this with Greens in CA, and the discussion seems to be favorable. The CA delegation agreed to forward a concrete proposal to the CC by Jan 15 for a Solstice meeting in CA. Of course more discussion will ensue then. We expect a different type
of meeting, more media, more publicity and public visitation. The focus will be more external than this time, when we focused on building internal strength and the development of our infrastructure. Steve Schmidt Platform co-chair and member of the Green Party of FL reported for the Platform Committee. The presentation focused on making the Platform into a useable document and improvements in the process. Steve took extensive notes on the responses of the delegates, and is requested to put out a report sometime on developments.

Diversity Caucus, presented by Amy Mondloch WI and convener of caucus. Primary focus was on the proposal from the DC Statehood Green Party on the Florida situation. You have all seen various drafts of that document. everyone agreed the issues were important, but unsure of the best way for ASGP to respond. It was agreed that a proposal of this nature could not come to the body at this time, and that the best way to deal with this was through the State Parties. There are many other things that are on the agenda for the Diversity Caucus, but due to time constraints, they did not get discussed. Diversity Caucus has asked for plenary time at the next Cc meeting and for a Diversity training workshop. When the agenda for the next plenary is being set, that will be discussed, and I assume will be approved in some fashion.

Greg Gerritt made the initial presentation on ASGP Committees.
We brainstormed and group memories what is currently going on and suggestions for new committees. There was a consensus to call back to order the Presidential Exploratory Committee, so that we can start now to look at what to do in 2004. The committee will be restructured, and will present a restructuring proposal in June. It is hoped the committee will convene shortly after the first of the year. David Cobb has been the convener, though that may change. I will present a chart of current committees and their convenors at the end of the minutes, along with a listing of some of the other committees that we might need that was developed on the flip chart. Committee membership, whether open or closed, size limitations, and structure vary from committee to committee, depending upon how and why they were convened.

The Convention Credentials Committee was going to make a report, and had a variety of proposals on how to continue its work. De to time constraints, and the fact that the wording of the proposals was complex, even if simple in context, it was decided to hold off on the CredComm report and to present its findings and proposals through the email. Greg Gerritt will be responsible for getting that material out to the CC relatively soon for
email discussion and vote.

Anne Goeke and Tony Affigne present a report based on the recent IPPN meeting in DC. At the IPPN meeting there was agreement to go forward with a Pro Democracy agenda, with a series of events around, and just prior to Inauguration Day, Jan 20. The ASGP was unsure how strongly to participate as an organization, but highly recommended that the State Parties participate as they see fit. Anne and Tony can provide more information, and info is from global exchange at 415-255-7296 <[email protected]> and 202-234-9383 ext 238 <[email protected]>

Anne Goeke made a report on Global Green Gathering in Canberra April 14-16. There will be a vote on the Global Green Charter that was passed around and many other green discussions. Contact the International committee if you want to attend.

Thank you to the host, Enota Resort , and the Host Georgia Green Party, and to Kerrie dickson for putting on the event.


Committees and Contacts
International "John Rensenbrink" <[email protected]>
"Nathalie Paravincini" <[email protected]>
Bylaws"Tom Sevigny" <[email protected]>
Platform "Steven Schmidt" <[email protected]>
Media "Nancy Allen" <[email protected]>
"Scott McLarty" <[email protected]>
Endorsements/Screening no current convenor
Internal communications "Nathalie Paravincini" <[email protected]>
Transition "Rick Lass" <[email protected]>
Diversity "Amy Mondloch" <[email protected]>
Presidential Exploratory "David Cobb" <[email protected]>
Convention Credentials "Greg Gerritt" <[email protected]>
Accreditation "Tony Affigne" <[email protected]>
Finance/Fundraising "Robbie Franklin" <[email protected]>

Potential Committees
Green Papers / Policy probably a subcommittee of Platform comm would be the best place for this.

Legal We have a legal advisor but there is way more to do that any one or two people can handle, and more of us need familiarity with this.

Speakers Bureau one already exists, but needs energy

Campus Greens Corey Eastwood is doing some work on this.

Public Relations