I was elected Treasurer in a special election in May 2017. At that time, the previous treasurer had disappeared on us, and I inherited virtually no records or systems (even any legacy systems from the prior treasurers). Since that time, I have built or rebuilt processes from scratch. In addition to the basics of keeping track of income and expenses, I also review contracts, handle payroll, complete monthly FEC reports, file 1099s for independent contractors, and more. I created a Google folder for the Finance Committee, where I keep all receipts, invoices, checks, etc with full transparency for the rest of the committee to review. I co-chair the Finance Committee and we hold regular monthly meetings. There are now turn key practices in place on which the next Treasurer can build, without having to reinvent the wheel.
In my tenure I have also worked to institute Health Reimbursement Accounts for our staff (in 2018) and new this year, IRAs. I manage the staff time off, and in partnership with Gloria Mattera, serve as the de facto HR department for the Green Party. The two of us together supervise the staff through bi-weekly staff meetings and annual reviews, and handle the annual negotiations with the staff union.
I have also initiated a fledgling but growing Treasurers Network, designed to be a community of practice for those of us who are Green Party treasurers, whether at the state, local or campaign level.
I regularly participate on the Steering Committee and have attended almost all of the meetings since I joined in 2017. My hope/plan is to serve the party as Treasurer for two more years and then pass the torch to someone new.