Green Party Candidate for Secretary of State and Chair Attended the Hoosier Heartland Area Labor Federation’s Labor Day Picnic
Fort Wayne, Indiana, September 3, 2018 – Thousands of people gathered for the Hoosier Heartland Area Labor Federation's Labor Day Picnic at Headwaters Park in downtown Fort Wayne. Indiana Green Party's (INGP) candidate for Secretary of State, Dr. George Wolfe, and INGP Chair, Monica James attended the event.
During the event, Wolfe and James spoke with attendees and shared information about the INGP and Wolfe's campaign from the comfort of the Green Party of Northeast Indiana's booth. The goal of the picnic was to celebrate working people with free food and beer. There were performances by the Musician's Union members of the Philharmonic, and classic Labor Day Bingo.
Green Party of Indiana
For Immediate Release
September 9, 2018
Elliott Crow, 317-759-3044, [email protected]
Wolfe and James were honored to spend their Labor Day with the hard-working people of Northeast Indiana.
The INGP strives to live by the values of the Green movement. Everything the Party does is based on the four pillars: Democracy, Ecological Wisdom, Nonviolence, and Social Justice.