How Can We Support Reparations?
The Green Party Black Caucus and the Green Party of the United States support reparations for Americans of African Descent that suffered the devastating damage and long-term effects and impacts of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, chattel slavery and de jure and defacto discrimination and segregation.
Support for reparations is in the Green national platform. How should this be reflected in a local platform for New Orleans, once the center of the slave trade?
Local member Anika Ofori will share her work on this issue.
Here are the meeting details:
- When: Monday, July 9th, from 6 to 7:30 PM
- Where: Mid-City Branch Library at 4140 Canal Street
Platform Development Notes
We have compiled the notes from our last two platform meetings. You can read our meeting minutes on Peace and Nonviolence here and our minutes on Social Justice here. These meetings will serve as the starting point for a longer workshop we intend to hold on preparing our platform later this summer.
Neil Ranu
Chapter Secretary
Green Party of New Orleans