How Wisconsin voters can still vote Green in 2020
The Wisconsin Elections Commission and the Wisconsin Supreme Court have done their best to silence the Wisconsin Green Party, but we are not submitting to the corporate duopoly. We are still fighting and will continue to fight beyond November for the real change Wisconsinites need: universal healthcare, a clean and healthy eco-system, peace, and justice for real humans - not "corporate persons".
While the WI Democratic Party and the WI Supreme Court succeeded in taking away the ballot line we worked so hard for, Wisconsin will still be able to vote Green. We have become a hidden choice, but you can still help build a powerful grassroots political force adding to over a million courageous people around the nation.
How to write in votes for Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker in Wisconsin
Here's how you can make your vote count and bring back that choice to other disenfranchised Wisconsinites:
In the write-in section for president and vice president, to make your Green vote count, write in Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker in the write-in spots for president and vice president.
Each vote will still get the Green Party greater access to the ballot and the resources it needs to become a more powerful force for change. During our relatively short history as a nationally recognized party the Greens have run thousands of candidates (succeeding in a large percentage of local elections), held ballot status in the majority of states, and forced the two corporate parties to talk about ideas like Medicare for All, student debt forgiveness, ranked choice voting, and the Green New Deal because they are wildly popular with Americans.
Your vote will help us continue to fight for these and other programs, and run candidates who are not beholden to corporations and actually work to make these changes for the greater good.
You can also share this message with friends and family. While the media and the partisan election commission does not want anyone to know about us, you can undermine their efforts to silence us.
A third way to help is to pledge to write-in Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker on our website to inspire others by showing they are not alone at the ballot box and have a whole movement behind them. You can also sign up to volunteer or donate to get more involved in the Green movement.
Thank you so much for your continued support!
Peace and solidarity,
The Wisconsin Green Party
PS. Please join us at the Wisconsin Green Party Fall Gathering on Saturday November 14 to help us keep building the party for people, planet, and peace over profit!
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